Monthly Archives: December 2012

Archbishop’s message on the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

Konkatidral, S. Ġwann

31 ta’ Diċembru 2012

Ħuti bħalma għidtilkom fil-bidu, l-ewwel, bħala Nsara, komunita’ Nisranija, aħna se niċċelebraw il-misteru tal-Imqaddsa Verġni Marija Omm Alla.

Hemm żewġ affarijiet li aħna rridu nifhmu biex nidħlu f’dan il-misteru. L-ewwel waħda hija kif inhi Verġni u Omm?  F’waħda mill-enċikliċi tal-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II hemm li r-rabta bejn verġinita` u maternita` tinsab għaliex Sidtna Marija għexithom it-tnejn bl-ubbidjenza lejn Alla l-Missier… Read more »

Papal and Holy See highlights in the last four months of 2012

The following are highlights of the activities of Pope Benedict XVI and of the Holy See for the months of September to December 2012.


4: Message from the Holy Father for the funeral of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J., archbishop emeritus of Milan, Italy, who died on 31 August at the age of 85.

10: The Holy Father receives the second group of bishops from the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, at the end of their five-yearly “ad limina” visit… Read more »

Christmas greetings to the bishops

Nhar il-Ħadd 30 ta’ Diċembru 2012, fl-okkażjoni tal-festi ta’ żmien il-Milied u l-bidu tas-Sena l-Ġdida, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P., l-Isqof Awziljarju Charles J. Scicluna u l-Arċisqof Emeritus Ġuzeppi Mercieca,  iltaqgħu mal-familji u kull min xtaq iżurhom għal bdil tal-awguri tal-istaġun. Akkumpanjaw l-isqfijiet kor tat-tfal li kantaw innijiet tal-Milied.

Click on the photos to enlarge… Read more »

December 31 2012 – January 6 2013


5.30 p.m. The Archbishop celebrates Mass and sings the ‘Te Deum’ Thanksgiving Hymn, at St. John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta, to mark the end of year 2012.


9.30 a.m. The Archbishops visits H.E. the President and Mrs Abela at the Palace to exchange New Year’s greetings, and then goes to the Archbishop Palace in Valletta to greet members of Civil Society… Read more »

New President for Cana Movement

Dr Arthur Galea Salomone is the new President of the Cana Movement.  His appointment was announced by Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. during Cana’s annual Christmas gathering. Dr Galea Salomone is a lawyer by profession. He is married and has three children. He succeeds Dr Anna Maria Vella who for the past seven years has offered her invaluable services and expertise in the field of the family, to the Cana Movement… Read more »

Pope: St Stephen, model of New Evangelisation

St Stephen

“On St. Stephen’s Day, we are called to fix our gaze on the Son of God”, and like St. Stephen, deacon and first martyr of the Church “open up our lives to the light that directs us” on life’s path, said Benedict XVI in his Angelus reflections this Wednesday.

In Baptism and Confirmation, with the precious gift of faith nourished by the Sacraments of the Church, especially the Eucharist, Jesus Christ has bound us to Him and wants to continue in us, through the action of the Holy Spirit, his work of salvation that redeems, enhances, elevates and leads all to fulfilment… Read more »

Pope: “There is hope in the world”

Pope Benedict XVI

Concern, mixed with joy and hope, were expressed in the words of Pope Benedict XVI this Christmas, during Vigil Mass Christmas eve and again in the Urbi et orbi message, addressed Christmas Day from the central balcony of St. Peter’s basilica to 50 thousand people in St Peter’s Square . The Pope spoke of the Middle East and Africa and launched an appeal to the new leaders of China… Read more »

Archbishop’s message during the Christmas Mass

Konkatidral, S. Ġwann

25 ta’ Diċembru 2012

Ħuti, dan il-Lejl tal-Milied jispjegalna min hu Alla tagħna għal min jemmen fi Kristu. Alla tagħna ma jibqax fis-smewwiet. Alla tagħna jiġi fostna biex hu jkun jista’ jagħtina s-salvazzjoni. M’hemm l-ebda reliġjon oħra li turi lil Iben t’Alla li jiġi fostna. U dan jurina li aħna fil-qalba ta’ Alla. U allura nistgħu ngħidu li l-lum iktar milli l-festa ta’ Ġesu għax dak huwa l-Iben t’Alla, hija l-festa tagħna, ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minna għaliex Ġesu ġie fostna… Read more »

Message for Christmas by Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P.

Click HERE to see the Video

The European Union has designated 2013 as the Year of the Citizen.  The aim is for all Europeans to acknowledge their rights as European citizens, in order that, in a spirit of democracy, any decisions they may take during their lifetime will be for their benefit and that of others.  It is for this reason that I am here at MCAST, surrounded by young people who are undertaking their studies at this institution – for these are the citizens of tomorrow… Read more »

Message for Christmas to emigrants by Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P.

Click HERE to see the Video


The European Union has designated 2013 as the Year of the Citizen.  The aim is for all Europeans to acknowledge their rights as European citizens, in order that, in a spirit of democracy, any decisions they may take during their lifetime will be for their benefit and that of others.  It is for this reason that I am here at MCAST, surrounded by young people who are undertaking their studies at this institution – for these are the citizens of tomorrow… Read more »