Monthly Archives: October 2009


BIBLE SUNDAY will be celebrated in the Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo on Sunday, 25 October 2009.  The theme chosen for this year is “The Word of God is alive and active, it judges the desires and thoughts of the heart” taken from the Letter to the Hebrews.

In messages that the Malta Bible Society printed and distributed in homes, schools and parishes, it explained that this is an invitation to all Christians to let the Word of God in the Bible act in their lives.  … Read more »

Archbishop meets Jesuits’ Superior General

L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona l-bierah laqa’ lill-Ġeneral tal-Ġiżwiti, Padre Adolfo Nicholas, għal żjara ta’ kortesija, fir-residenza tiegħu, Ħ’Attard. Padre Adolfo Nicholas kien Malta għall-Assemblea Ġenerali tal-Provinċjali Ġiżwiti tal-Ewropa, li saret bejn Il-Ħamis 15 u t-Tlieta 20 ta’ Ottubru. Fi tmiem din il-laqgħa, il-Provinċjali Ġiżwiti tal-Ewropa ħarġu dikjarazzjoni b’rabta mat-traġedja umana tal-immigrazzjoni. Biex taqra din l-istqarrija AGĦFAS HAWN.

Ritratt: Photocity, Valletta Read more »


Benedict XVI Names Bishop of Cheyenne

Benedict XVI appointed the vice president of the Pontifical Academy For Life, Monsignor Jean Laffitte, as secretary of the Pontifical Council of the Family, and named him a bishop. Born in Oloron-Sainte-Marie, France, Bishop-designate Laffite, 57, entered the French Pontifical Seminary of Rome in 1984. He was ordained priest in 1989 for the Diocese of Autun. He received a doctorate in moral theology from the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family… Read more »

Episcopal Church Continues Ecumenical Dialogue

Episcopal Church logo

The Episcopal Church will continue as normal with ecumenical dialogue as it evaluates the implications of the Vatican’s move to help members of the Anglican Communion enter the Catholic Church.

Bishop Christopher Epting, ecumenical and interfaith officer of the Episcopal Church, revealed this in a statement Tuesday that responded to the Vatican’s announcement of a forthcoming apostolic constitution that would allow Anglicans to enter the Catholic Church through personal ordinariates… Read more »


(Strasbourg) An “opportunity for a political debate”, a “chance of a live exchange on topical issues” regarding European integration. José Manuel Barroso judges with these words the first “question time” in the history of the European Parliament. The procedural novelty, that has been tested today, is that, during the session, the party leaders ask questions to the president of the EU Commission for half an hour on any issue whatsoever, then, in the second half an hour, any MEP can ask questions on the previous issues, so that the head of the EU Executive can prepare an answer… Read more »


The bishop of Kontum celebrated World Mission Sunday by announcing that 30,000 Vietnamese from his region became Catholic in the last year.

On Sunday, Bishop Michael Hoang Duc Oanh also reported to AsiaNews that 20,000 more of the Central Highlands people, called Montagnards, are currently preparing to enter the Church.

“It is the work of the Holy Spirit,” he said, “with the sincere participation and contribution of so many people.”

This year, the country is celebrating the 350th anniversary since the arrival of Catholic missionaries… Read more »

Viżjoni u Pjan ta’ Ħidma mal-Adolexxenti – Seminar

Konxji mill-fatt li l-adolexxenti joffru sfida sabiħa lil kull min hu nvolut magħhom fil-pastorali, is-Segretarjat għall-Katekeżi qed jorganizza seminar ta’ nofs ta’ nhar fejn ser jiġu ppreżentati u diskussi:

– id-dokument dwar il-formazzjoni nisranija tal-adolexxenti

– il-viżjoni, missjoni u pjan ta’ ħidma,

– itinerarju-gwida kateketika għall-laqgħat mal-adolexxenti.

Dan is-seminar se jsir nhar is-Sibt 24 ta’ Ottubru, l-Istitut Kattoliku, Floriana mid-9.00am sa nofsinhar… Read more »

Report on DISCERN’s Annual Lecture

Is Secularisation on the Reverse Gear?

Amongst post-modern societies’ members, the element which prevails is the knowledge power rather than the muscle power. Dominant features within these societies are capitalism, post-industrialization, urbanization, rationalization, science, technology and secularization. Collectively these characteristics pose amplified challenges to all societies’ relationships and institutions, including religion. David Martin’s straightforward definition to secularization is “whatever goes wrong with religion, including for example, the introduction of laws permitting abortion and euthanasia”… Read more »


Cardinal William Levada

To bring to an end a period of uncertainty, an “Apostolic Constitution” allowing groups of Anglicans, both lay and religious, to enter into “full visible communion” with the Catholic Church is to be published soon. The journalists were briefed about this initiative by the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, car. William Levada, in a press conference held at the Vatican this morning… Read more »


This morning the Holy Father received the Letters of Credence of Yves Gazzo, head of the delegation to the Holy See of the Commission of the European Communities.

In his address, the Pope referred to the values of the European Union which, he said, “are the fruit of a long and complex history in which, it cannot be denied, Christianity has played a primordial role… Read more »