Between the 5th and 11th of August, more than 100 youths participated in the annual event ‘Kamp Sajf’ organised by the youth organisation ŻAK at St Thomas More College, in Santa Luċija. Entitled “Biż-żejjed, biżżejjed?”, this year the camp tackled the theme of the increasing lack of contentment in the face of an abundance of opportunities, experiences and material things that the world offers.

During Kamp Sajf, the members reflected on the way society is losing itself in superficiality and materialism. Although the things of this world may not necessarily be harmful, living for them would negatively impact as individuals, as well as the relationships between us and the environment around us. This would lead us to seeking to quench our existential thirst with relationships, jobs, money and wealth and to wrongly consider them as the fullness of life to bring us freedom and satisfaction.

During Kamp Sajf, the youths were given the opportunity to develop their faith, drawing inspiration from the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius, as well as by reflecting on the significance of their daily life and God’s calling for their lives.

This year the Bible verse that accompanied the participants during the camp was taken from John 8:31-32, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Source: Il-Leħen