A new Pentecost is looming just over the horizon, with only 100 days till the World Youth Day in Madrid, says the cardinal archbishop of the host city. Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela called the faithful of his archdiocese to the final leg of preparation in a note released Sunday. The Madrid World Youth Day is scheduled for Aug 16-21.
“We have not failed to prepare ourselves and to dispose ourselves spiritually and pastorally so that Madrid’s World Youth Day with the Holy Father, accompanied by bishops and presbyters from all the dioceses of the world, will again be the providential occasion for a profound, authentic and joyful encounter with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who calls young people in his Church so that their lives, often depressed and broken, and others fresh and vigorous, will be rooted and built up in him, the only one who can offer them and give them truth, hope and love,” the cardinal said.
He pointed to expectation of a “new, beautiful and fruitful time of grace and of the Spirit for the Church and for young people; more than that, […] a new ‘Pentecost,’ which will renew hearts.”
The cardinal spoke of the “enormous evangelizing potential” of World Youth Day, born “from the singular apostolic charism of Blessed John Paul II, and designed pastorally by him.”
An event was held Sunday to thank the volunteers for the work done thus far. The chorus and orchestra for World Youth Day also held its first public performance.
Cardinal Rouco Varela urged the faithful of Madrid to prepare to welcome and support the flood of pilgrims. So far, some 340,000 pilgrims are registered, coming from 170 nations.

MADRID, Spain, MAY 9, 2011 (Zenit.org)