On the 4th April was held the official opening of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Augustinian friars in Malta. The Chapter is the general meeting in which the religious gather to celebrate and evaluate their life while preparing their programme of pastoral life for the forthcoming four years. The Augustinians serve the church and society in various fields in Malta and abroad.
During the opening celebrations of the Chapter, the Prior General of the Augustinian Order, Fr Alejandro Moral Anton, gave the mandate to the new Provincial Prior, Father Leslie Gatt, who had been elected earlier on this year. During the same sesison was also elected the Council of the Province composed of Fr Mario Abela, Fr Alex Cauchi, Fr Paul Formosa, Fr Franco Grech. Fr Terence Spiteri was then elected Provincial Secretary while Fr Pierre Desira was elected the Provincial Bursar.
The Ordinary Provincial Chapter that is being held at the St Mark’s Convent in Rabat, will proceed by means of discussions during the coming days. The friars will then meet again in a general assembly for a week of work and discussions towards the end of April.