Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. is the first Maltese Archbishop to visit the Maltese missionaries in Honduras.  He was welcomed by the Maltese bishops, Robert Camilleri OFM and Joe Bonello OFM, together with Fr Albert Gauci.  On leaving the airport, following a courtesy visit to Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriegues, Archbishop Cremona commenced a three hour journey to the diocese of Olancia, in Juticalpa, where Mons Bonello serves as the Bishop. This is an underdeveloped rural area where there is much poverty, in spite of the fact that the Church strives to alleviate the situation of these poor people.

Amongst other initiatives, Fr Albert Gauci is planning the building of a stadium to distract youths from the widespread problem of drugs and alcohol.  On a positive note, one must mention the active participation of the people in the liturgy.  The efforts which the Church makes are very much appreciated and the people are aware that they are being offered the opportunity for a better life, without their being taken advantage of.

During a two-day visit to the diocese of Olancio, Archbishop Cremona, together with Fr Alfred Vella, had the opportunity to visit several parishes where they met numerous families and the cloistered nuns.  In Catacamas, the Archbishop paid his respects at the grave of the first Franciscan missionary to Honduras, Patri Diego Vella.

At the beginning of the week, the Archbishop traveled to Comaiagua, where Mgr Robert Camilleri serves as Bishop of the diocese.  In the course of his journey, the Archbishop visited Fr Rinaldo, a blind priest, who founded an institute for people who are blind and others who have special needs.  Mons Cremona also had the opportunity to meet the Apostolic Nuncio, Mons Luigi Bianco.  During their meeting they discussed the Church in Honduras, the participation of the missionaries and the realities which the Church is facing today.

The Archbishop also had the opportunity to celebrate mass at the National Sanctuary dedicated to our Lady of Suyapa, towards which there is great devotion.  Another Maltese missionary is buried here, Fr Felic Mansueto.

One of the visits which inspired much hope and courage was to the Seminary of this Diocese, where there are a good number of young men preparing themselves for the priesthood. Here the Archbishop highlighted the fact that, Honduras, as a place where there are many missionaries, must be also be a place where a mission of evangelization takes place.

The Archbishop’s final stop in Honduras was to visit the Maltese missionary, Fr Anglu Falzon, who lives in a mountainous and rural area.

Today the Archbishop began his visit to Cuba where he shall meet the Maltese missionaries of the Augustinian Order, the Maltese diocesan priest, Fr Paul Buttigieg and the members of the MUSEUM who have been in Cuba for the last year and a half.