On Saturday 12th of January a Seminar will be held on the theme: Il-Karattru… id-Drama u l-Bibbja, part of the on-going formation series co-ordinated by the Secretariat for Catecheses in collaboration with KDŻ and the Institute for Pastoral Formation.

The seminar equips Pastoral Operators and others engaged in youth services, with skills and methodology that integrate activities, sketches, drama and performances in the process of character formation.

The guest professionals of the seminar are Ms Daniella Micallef, Mr Giovann Attard, Mr Augusto Cardinali, Mr Bernardo Riolo. Participants are invited to take active part in the discussions and workshops.

The seminar will be held between 9:15 and 5:30 at the Sisters of St Joseph, Rabat. The subsidized registration fee of €20 includes lunch and coffee breaks. For further details, please contact Fr Marco Portelli on 21484506 or Sr Alexandra Chircop on 22039408/21223949.