On Saturday 23rd February 2013, youth leaders, guides and promoters are convening for the sixth annual National Assembly on Youth Ministry at the Catholic Institute, Floriana. Themed ‘Proċessi Formattivi’, the Assembly will this year focus on the experiences of young people as they engage with the various pastoral initiatives offered across the diocese.

The key address will be delivered by Fr Fabio Attard Sdb, General Councillor on Youth Ministry to the Salesians International. Archbishop Paul Cremona will be presiding over the Assembly and he will also hold a special parallel meeting with group and community directors.

Leading up to the plenary session, attendees will participate in discussion groups to share their views on the theme.

Proċessi Formattivi is organised by the Commission for Young People within the Church, KDŻ. Further details found on http://bit.ly/Assemblea13