Fr Federico Lomabrdi

Fr. Federico Lombardi reiterated to a packed Vatican Press Office that it was a decision that the Holy Father matured over time, particularly following his trip last year to Mexico and Cuba, when he realised the physical toll of such trans-Atlantic journeys, which are part and parcel of the Pope’s ministry. What’s important now, he said, is that we enjoy the last great events of this pontificate.

Lombardi reminded journalists of the last great encounters of Benedict’s pontificate. These include: the two general audiences, February 13 and 27; Ash Wednesday celebrations to be held this year in St Peter’s Basilica rather than St Sabina on the Aventine Hill, his meeting with the priests of Rome on Thursday February 14th ; the Sunday Angelus; his meeting with bishops from Italy on their Ad Limina pilgrimage and two private audiences with visiting Heads of State, from Romania and Guatemala.
Fr. Lombardi drew particular attention to the decision to move Ash Wednesday celebrations to St Peters. It was motivated by a question of space, to accommodate those wishing to attend what will be the last great liturgical celebration of Pope Benedict’s pontificate.
He also revealed in his meeting with Rome’s priests this Thursday Pope Benedict XVI will focus on his personal memories and experiences of Vatican II in what promises to be a touching and very personal encounter.