In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Bishop Emmanuel Galea’s death two masses will be celebrated this week by the Bishops of Malta.

Mons. Emmanuel Galea was born on 10th March 1891. He studied at the University of Malta and was ordained priest on 18th December 1915.

In 1917 he was appointed Canon Theologist of the Collegiate of Senglea, where he continued to serve until 1932 when he was appointed Canon of the Cathedral of Malta. He obtained his doctorate at the Gregorian University in Rome and in 1930 he was appointed Professor of Canon Law at the University of Malta.

In 1933, Archbishop Caruana asked Bishop Galea to become director of the Institute of Jesus of Nazareth, Zejtun, an orphanage led by the Missionary Sisters of Jesus of Nazareth. This was his opportunity to fulfil his ambition to help the poor and disadvantaged children. In 1940 he was appointed Vicar General. During World War II, on 9th June 1942, he was nominated as titular Bishop of Tralles and Auxiliary Bishop of Malta.

He will be remembered by the people of Senglea for the painting of the titular altar of the Rosary, which he had donated, and the hymn “O Marija, O Ħelwa Bambina” which he wrote in 1934.

Bishop Galea was known as a good and wise shepherd, and as a man with a great reputation for holiness, who communicated with great simplicity. He attended various sessions of the Second Vatican Council and devoted his time to the importance of the Marian spirituality in priestly formation, as well as religious freedom and the Church in today’s world.

Mgr. Galea was known for his zeal towards God’s word during his homilies, writings and reflections, and as a man of prayer and charity. He considered confession a priority throughout his life was available for the sacrament at all times. He used to hear confession every day at the chapel of the Institute of Jesus of Nazareth in Żejtun. On Saturdays, on the eve of the obligatory feasts, as well as during the first Friday of the month, he heard confessions for almost 5 hours in the afternoon.

Mgr. Galea died on 21st August 1974. On 24th June 2003, the Beatification process was initiated by Archbishop Joseph Mercieca.

Archbishop Charles Scicluna will commemorate the death of Bishop Galea by celebrating a mass on 20th August at 6:30pm at the Chapel of Jesus of Nazareth Institute in Żejtun. The Auxiliary Bishop will also celebrate mass for his anniversary on 21st August at 6pm at the Collegiate of Senglea.
