Fr Anton Gouder, hailing from the Isla parish, serves as a Judge in the Church Tribunal and resides at Dar tal-Kleru. With 46 years of priesthood, his life is rich with diverse experiences and ministries. Among other roles, he has served as parish priest of Paola Parish, rector of the Seminary and vicar general. Despite facing numerous challenges, he has never doubted or regretted answering the Lord’s call.

Għaliex iva?! is a podcast series featuring various priests who share the stories of their vocations and why they believe being a priest is worthwhile in today’s world.

The purpose of the podcast is to showcase the beauty of God’s call through the priests’ experiences, detailing how they discovered their vocations, and the challenges and opportunities they encounter. These stories aim to inspire and offer hope to those contemplating saying ‘yes’ to God, as well as to support both young and seasoned priests.

These talks are also a sign of hope for those who are still thinking about saying ‘yes’ to God, as well as for those who are already priests, both young and old.

Għaliex iva?! is a project by the Seminary Vocations Centre in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Malta.

Għaliex iva?! is available on Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.