The SDC candidates, together with their curators, gathered at St Michael School on Saturday, 4 January 2025, for their annual get-together held at the beginning of each year. The candidates took the initiative to organise this event themselves.
In the school chapel, they reflected on the boundless love God has for humanity, a love that they are called to mirror in love towards themselves, and ultimately, in acts of love towards others. Following this reflection, cards featuring excerpts from Pope Francis’s encyclical Dilexit Nos were distributed. On these, the candidates wrote personal resolutions to guide them throughout 2025.
The second part of the gathering took place in the school hall, where food and drinks were shared. The event concluded with a light-hearted drama, thoroughly prepared by some of the candidates.
Let us continue to pray for the SDC candidates, that through their formation, they may remain steadfast in discerning God’s calling for their lives.