Dar Hosea proudly marks its 10th anniversary this year, celebrating a decade of commitment to supporting vulnerable women who have been exploited into prostitution. 

A meeting was held on Wednesday 11th September at the Sisters of Charity to commemorate the work of Dar Hosea throughout the past 10 years. Dar Hosea was opened by founding member Dr. Anna Maria Vella, and other persons who today form part of the Board, as well as the Sisters of Charity, to provide essential support and transformative assistance, helping women reclaim their dignity and rebuild their lives.

According to an article published by Newsbook, Maria Borg Pellicano, 42 women used Dar Hosea’s services in 2018, and 48 women in 2019. After the pandemic, the number of women went down to 45. In 2021, however, there were 62 women, which increased to 73 in 2022, while 101 women used the services in 2023. Last year, around 65 women were assisted at the Corradino Correctional Facility.

During the past 10 years and up until August of this year, already 357 people were assisted according to their cases. Amongst them, 34 were children of women involved in prostitution and this indicates that there has been an increase of 16% from last year.

Since its founding, Dar Hosea has been a refuge for women caught in the harsh realities of prostitution, offering crucial services including food, clothing, and a safe shelter. The organisation’s mission goes beyond meeting their immediate needs. By working closely with other professionals and community organisations, Dar Hosea upholds a collaborative approach to ensure that women are provided the necessary support network to develop their full potential and self-sufficiency.

The root causes of exploitation are often derived from early trauma, such as childhood abuse and emotional neglect. These experiences leave women vulnerable to further abuse and harassment. Dar Hosea directly addresses these issues through the drop-in centre that offers educational programmes, job support, and assistance with housing, medical care, and legal matters.

For more information about Dar Hosea, please visit https://darhosea.org/ or contact +356 99508954.