Press Releases

Research: The valued contribution of religious and lay people in Church schools

A study on the future of Church schools

Research carried out among Church schools revealed that maintaining the Christian identity, intricately interwoven with the diverse charisms of the congregations, is an essential objective for all Church schools in Malta and Gozo. This imperative persists while continuing to strengthen the Christian formation provided to students, staff, and parents.

The research constitutes the initial phase of a collaborative process undertaken by the Secretariat for Catholic Education, the Association of Church Schools, and the Superior Major Religious Council… Read more »

Francesco Zahra at Casa Manresa

The Archdiocese of Malta is currently holding an exhibition to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the death of Francesco Zahra, one of Malta’s foremost Baroque artists. The exhibition, displayed on the ground floor of the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, focuses on episodes from the Passion of Christ and other devotional subjects that this foremost Maltese artist painted for the Archbishop’s Curia, also known as Casa Manresa, which was founded in 1743 as a place of retreat by the Jesuits… Read more »

Il-Kċina ta’ Marta inaugurated: 1,200 free meals a week for people in need

  Il-Kċina ta' Marta, Tal-Virtù

Archbishop Charles Scicluna inaugurated ‘Il-Kċina ta’ Marta’, another initiative of the Church in Malta aimed at helping those currently going through difficult times. Around 350 people a week are receiving the 1,200 free meals prepared by the 30 volunteers of Il-Kċina ta’ Marta at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù. An additional 20 volunteers handle meal distribution to the homes of those who are housebound. Il-Kċina ta’ Marta is led by LOOP Parish Diaconia in collaboration with The Alfred Mizzi Foundation… Read more »

Recommendations on the Ħondoq ir-Rummien zone

Submitted by Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent

Wara li f’Awwissu li għadda l‑Qorti ta’ Malta ddeċidiet li ma jsirx żvilupp f’Ħondoq ir‑Rummien, il‑Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent (KA) għamlet is‑suġġerimenti tagħha fil‑proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni tal‑Ministeru għax‑Xogħlijiet Pubbliċi u l‑Ippjanar, u l‑Awtorità tal‑Ippjanar, dwar ir‑reviżjoni tal‑policy tal‑ippjanar għas‑sit ta’ Ħondoq ir‑Rummien kif imfassal fil‑pjan lokali ta’ Għawdex u Kemmuna.

Kwalità tal‑ħajja ħolistika

Il‑Kummissjoni Ambjent qed tipparteċipa fil‑proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni biex issostni li kienet qalet fl‑istqarrijiet maħruġa fl‑20 ta’ Lulju 2010 u l‑24 ta’ April 2013 fl‑eqqel tal‑kwistjoni ta’ Ħondoq ir‑Rummien… Read more »

Malta to host the General Assembly of the Justice and Peace Commissions of Europe

Lectures and Workshops open to the public

From 10th till 13th November, the Justice and Peace Commission within the Church in Malta will be hosting the International Workshop and General Assembly of the Commissions of Justice and Peace Europe. Around 50 delegates from all over Europe are expected to attend this meeting, which is held annually in one of the 32 countries forming part of the Justice and Peace Europe network. The theme chosen for this year is ‘The changing world of work – a transversal justice issue’. 

The conference starts on Friday, 10th November at 7:30pm, with a keynote speech by Sr Alessandra Smerilli, Secretary at the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, at the Oratory of the Jesuits’ Church in Valletta… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna in November 2023

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Novembru, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna se jkompli jiċċelebra l‑quddies ta’ matul il‑ġimgħa kif ukoll nhar ta’ Ħadd. Dawn iċ‑ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi qed jixxandru fuq TVM, u

Il‑quddies organizzat mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed jixxandar:

  • Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt fid‑9:30am, tiġi ċċelebrata quddiesa li tixxandar fuq TVM, mill‑Kappella tal‑Madonna ta’ Manresa, fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof, il‑Furjana. Wara l‑quddiesa tingħad it‑talba tar‑rużarju li tixxandar fuq u, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta…
  • Read more »

All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day

Għada l-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ Novembru 2023, fis-6pm, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi ser jiċċelebra quddiesa fil-Festa tal-Qaddisin Kollha, fil-Katidral ta’ San Pawl fl-Imdina. Waqt il-quddiesa seminarist se jirċievi l-Ministeru tal-Akkolitat.

Il-Ħamis, 2 ta’ Novembru, fid-9:30am, fit-Tifkira tal-Mejtin Kollha, se ssir quddiesa fil-Kappella tal-Madonna tal-Ħniena fiċ-Ċimiterju ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, li se tixxandar fuq TVM, L-Insara huma mistiedna jitolbu wkoll għall-erwieħ kollha li marru qabilna bis-sinjal tal-fidi u bit-tama tal-qawmien mill-imwiet, biex bil-ħniena ta’ Alla jitnaddfu minn kull dnub… Read more »

Residents at Dar Saura to be relocated to better residences

Residents at one of the Church’s residences for the elderly, Dar Saura in Rabat, are to be relocated to more modern residences to ensure they can be provided with the care and dignity they deserve.

Archdiocese Administrative Secretary Michael Pace Ross said: “In recent years, it has become clear that, without major refurbishment, Dar Saura is no longer able to deliver the quality of life its 45 residents deserve, and the Church will therefore be providing better alternatives for them. 

“We naturally appreciate this move will cause some disruption to their lives and will be doing everything possible to make the transition as smooth and stress-free as possible… Read more »

Pope renews Archbishop Scicluna’s term as Adjunct Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

His Holiness Pope Francis has confirmed Archbishop Charles Scicluna as the Adjunct Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for a further five-year term.

Since taking up the post in November 2018, Pope Francis has entrusted Archbishop Scicluna with pastoral missions in several countries including Chile and, more recently, Peru. Archbishop Scicluna is also the President of the College of Recourses, which determines appeal cases within the Dicastery… Read more »

Bishop Robert Camilleri Azzopardi O.F.M. passes away

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna, l‑Isqof Anton Teuma u l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi sellmu l‑ħajja ddedikata fl‑art tal‑missjoni tal‑Isqof Robert Camilleri Azzopardi O.F.M., Isqof tad‑Djoċesi ta’ Comayagua fil‑Honduras u President tal‑Konferenza Episkopali tal‑Honduras.

L‑Isqof Camilleri Azzopardi miet illum it‑Tlieta, 17 ta’ Ottubru 2023, fl‑età ta’ 72 sena.

L‑Isqof Robert Camilleri Azzopardi twieled il‑Ħamrun fl‑24 ta’ April 1951. Hu ngħaqad mal‑Ordni tal‑Franġiskani Minuri u ġie ordnat saċerdot fl‑1975 mill‑Papa Pawlu VI f’Ruma… Read more »