Press Releases

The Archbishop appoints Delegate for Religious Broadcasting

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ħatar lil Mons. Stefan Bonanno bħala d‑Delegat għax‑Xandir Reliġjuż.

Mons. Stefan Bonanno twieled il‑Furjana fit‑18 ta’ Diċembru 1965. Huwa beda l‑istudji tiegħu fil‑qasam tal‑elettronika fil‑Fellinberg Training Centre. Irċieva l‑formazzjoni saċerdotali fis‑Seminarju tal‑Arċisqof tal‑Virtù kif ukoll fil‑Fakultà tat‑Teoloġija fl‑Università ta’ Malta. L‑ewwel iggradwa fil‑Baċellerat fl‑istudji tal‑Filosofija u Komunikazzjoni Soċjali u aktar tard ħa l‑Liċenzjat fit‑Teoloġija Pastorali.

Huwa ġie ordnat saċerdot fit‑8 ta’ Lulju 1994… Read more »

Archdiocese increases subsidies to its entities by 33%

Il-Kċina ta’ Marta providing 1,200 meals weekly

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

The Archdiocese of Malta increased subsidies to its children’s homes by €180,000, despite registering an overall shortfall of €325,000.

Speaking at a press conference to present the financial report of the Archdiocese of Malta for 2023, Administrative Secretary Michael Pace Ross said the Archdiocese has been making every effort to help families and individuals seeking assistance, and various initiatives are underway aimed at furthering the Church’s mission… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Scicluna in July 2024

Ritratt: L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta – Ian Noel Pace

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Awwissu, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq, Newsbook Malta, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta… Read more »

Paola parish obtains Government funding for urgent basilica restoration

Photo: Archdiocese of Malta – Ian Noel Pace

The parish priest of Paola is delighted to announce that the restoration of the Basilica of Christ the King belfry and portico in Paola will go ahead thanks to a substantial grant from the government.

Fr Marc André Camilleri said that following meetings with ministers Byron Camilleri and Owen Bonnici, it was agreed that the government would commit €400,000 to the project… Read more »

Archbishop visits Maltese patients in London

The Archbishop blessing a Maltese patient

Archbishop Charles Scicluna concluded a two-day pastoral visit to London, where he met with Maltese patients who are currently receiving treatment in the United Kingdom.

During his visit, the Archbishop visited and prayed with Maltese patients at King’s College Hospital and the Royal Marsden Hospital, where he also met a Maltese nurse. The Archbishop gave patients, their families, and even hospital workers, rosary beads, for Our Lady to bring them comfort and hope… Read more »

Archbishop appoints new Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia

Fr Martin Micallef
Photo: Archdiocese of Malta – Ian Noel Pace

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has appointed Fr Martin Micallef as the new Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia to assist the Archbishop in the Church’s work with persons in need. Fr Micallef is currently the Director of Dar tal-Providenza and he will be retaining this role.

The Archbishop thanked Mgr Charles Cordina for his long term of service as parish priest in various parishes, his roles as Delegate for Clergy and Members of Institutes of Consecrated Life, Delegate for Life and Work in Parishes, Pastoral Secretary and as well as for his nine years of work with the most needy members of society as the Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia… Read more »

Church gifts €25m property to The Malta Trust Foundation to create empowerment hub for disabled youngsters

Villabianca Music Centre will relocate to Dar Saura to tackle waiting list

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

The imposing Dar Saura in Rabat will be converted into an empowerment hub for children and young people with disabilities after the Archdiocese of Malta generously handed over the multimillion-euro property to The Malta Trust Foundation for 65 years.

The 17th century home, which until a few months ago served as a home for the elderly, will come to life with youngsters’ laughter and music when Malta’s first Centre for Music and Arts, Villabianca, relocates to larger premises to address the extensive waiting list… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Scicluna in July 2024

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Lulju, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq, Newsbook Malta, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna se jiċċelebra l‑quddies f’dawn il‑ġranet:

It‑Tnejn 1 ta’ Lulju, fid‑9:30am, l‑Arċisqof jiċċelebra quddiesa fil‑festa tal‑Beatu Nazju Falzon mill‑Knisja ta’ Ġieżu fil‑Belt Valletta, li tixxandar fuq TVM, u  Newsbook Malta… Read more »

Closing of the diocesan inquiries for the beatification and canonisation of Henry and Inez Casolani

Archbishop Charles Scicluna will preside over the closing of the diocesan inquiries into the lives of Servants of God, Henry and Inez Casolani, on Friday, 5th July 2024, at St Augustine Church, Valletta. The celebration will begin at 6:15pm with the closing rite of the inquiries, followed by a Thanksgiving Mass which will be broadcast on and Newsbook Malta. Henry and Inez Casolani are exemplary models of Servants of God in marriage, family and everyday life… Read more »

Archbishop attends Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences in Belgrade

The Bishops who attended the CCEE Plenary Assembly last November in Malta

Archbishop Charles Scicluna left Malta for Belgrade, Serbia, to participate in the Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE). This meeting will gather bishops from around 40 European countries to discuss the theme “Pilgrims of Hope – Towards a Synodal and Missionary Church”.

In Belgrade, the bishops will discuss how the Church in Europe, in preparation for the Jubilee of Hope to be celebrated next year, can be a source of hope… Read more »