Press Releases

Alternative residence found for elderly residents at Apap Institute

The 30 elderly residents of the Apap Institute care home in Santa Venera will be relocated to another residence in Bugibba. This decision follows the Dominican Sisters’ announcement that they can no longer sustain their mission and manage the home, due to the sister’s advancing age, a decline in vocations and insufficient resources to refurbish the 80-year-old building.

The Sisters will continue providing care for the residents until the end of the year… Read more »

Archdiocese requests suspension of Villa Schinas application

Photo: Google

The Archdiocese of Malta has requested the commercial partner entrusted with the restoration of Villa Schinas in Tas-Sliema to suspend with immediate effect the current planning application within the grounds of the property.

The development proposed by the commercial partner on a section of the property not connected to villa itself was intended to provide accommodation for students since Villa Schinas has been earmarked as an educational establishment… Read more »

Archdiocese assisting Dominican Sisters with Care Home closure

The Archdiocese of Malta is assisting the Dominican Sisters with the relocation of residents and employees of the Apap Institute care home in Santa Venera following a decision by the religious order to close the establishment by the end of the year.

The Dominican Sisters took the difficult decision to relinquish the running of the home —which accommodates 30 elderly residents— due to the declining number of religious vocations and the substantial investment required to refurbish the 80-year-old building… Read more »

New courses for liturgical music animation and choral singing by the Academy of Sacred Music

Courses begin in November 2024 and February 2025

The Academy of Sacred Music Francesco Azopardi of the Archdiocese of Malta is offering a variety of courses designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals involved in music ministry within the Church.

The courses for the academic year 2024-2025 include Animating Liturgy, tailored for those currently involved in or aspiring to participate in liturgical animation (starting in November 2024); The Organ in the Liturgy, intended for organists already serving or planning to serve in parishes and wishing to strengthen their knowledge of the organist’s ministry (starting in February 2025); the Christian songwriting programme Ħarbex (starting in February 2025); and Singing during Liturgy for priests (starting in May 2025)… Read more »

New parish priest for Mġarr parish

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has appointed Fr Sean Abela as the parish priest of the Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady, Mġarr. The Archbishop thanks Fr Noel Vassallo for this administrative work in this parish.

Fr Sean Abela was born on 17th August 1992. He began his journey to the priesthood at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù in Rabat and read for a degree in Philosophy and Theology at the Faculty of Theology, at the University of Malta… Read more »

Church schools welcome 20,000 students and educators for the new scholastic year

Madwar 17,000 student u iktar minn 3,000 edukatur bdew is-sena skolastika f’waħda mill-iskejjel tal-Knisja fil-livelli tal-kindergarten, il-primarja, is-sekondarja u s-sitt sena post-sekondarja.

Din hi l-ewwel esperjenza fi skola tal-Knisja għal madwar 120 edukatur. Bħala parti mill-proċess ta’ tħejjija, is-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Kattolika mexxa laqgħat għal dawn l-edukaturi, b’enfasi fuq kif edukazzjoni ta’ kwalità u r-rispett lejn id-dinjità ta’ kull bniedem jistgħu jgħinu biex itejbu ħolistikament il-ħajja tal-istudenti u ta’ kull membru fil-komunità tal-iskola… Read more »

Fondazzjoni Sebħ’s services need €3 million to support vulnerable women, children and families

Fondazzjoni Sebħ, a Church‑run NGO, estimates it will cost around €3 million by the end of the year to continue supporting vulnerable members of society, including children, families, and women and children escaping violence.

Sebħ’s Director Yvonne Mallia turned a spotlight on the meaningful work Fondazzjoni Sebħ has carried out behind the scenes and said that to sustain all its services it had used up €2.4 million last year… Read more »

Thank You, Lord God – The Archbishop on Independence Day

Mass on Independence Day 2024

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Homily by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of our country’s independence and its status as a sovereign and autonomous nation, I wish to base my reflections on three dear phrases conveyed to us by the saintly Maltese priest, St George Preca (1880–1962):

Thank you, Lord God, and forgive me, Lord God;

Lord God, I need you;

Let us be Friends of the Gospel… Read more »

Church entities demand immediate release of detained Ethiopian nationals

Fr Anton D’Amato, Director Migrants Commission

The Ethiopian nationals who are being detained and facing deportation after having lived and worked legally in Malta for years should be released immediately, the Migrants Commission, the Justice and Peace Commission and JRS Malta urged the authorities.

The two commissions, which form part of the Archdiocese of Malta, and JRS Malta are wholeheartedly condemning the recent arrest of several Ethiopian nationals, who were rounded up, detained and told they will be sent back to Ethiopia… Read more »

Hymn for the 2025 Jubilee in Maltese

The Church in Malta and Gozo are launching a Maltese version of the official hymn for the 2025 Jubilee with the theme, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Next year, the Church and Catholics from around the world are called to be a source of hope, unity and compassion within their communities.

The hymn was originally written in Italian by Prof. Pierangelo Sequeri, with the music composition by Maestro Francesco Meneghello, tackling themes such as creation, fraternity, the goodness of God and hope… Read more »