Press Releases

Live: Mass for all Catholics living in Malta

  St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

In preparation for Pope Francis’ visit to Malta on the 2nd and 3rd April, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna is inviting all Catholics from different countries who are currently residing in Malta to join him this Saturday, 19th March, in the celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy at St Paul Cathedral, Mdina. Mass will be held in English and will be streamed live at 6pm on and more »

A general election campaign in the shadow of war in Europe

The Interdiocesan Environment Commission appeals to the administration that will be in place by the end of the month to make all efforts, both at a national and international level so that Malta, Europe and the whole world move decisively away from the use of fossil fuels and nuclear sources of energy. This appeal is being made in the midst of the tragic and senseless invasion of Ukraine by Russia… Read more »

Mass by Pope Francis on the Granaries

Illum f’nofsinhar titftaħ ir-reġistrazzjoni għal kull min jixtieq jirriserva post bilqiegħda għall-quddiesa ċċelebrata mill-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Franġisku. Il-quddiesa li hija miftuħa għal kulħadd se ssir nhar il-Ħadd, 3 ta’ April 2022, fuq il-Fosos tal-Furjana u tibda fl-10:15am. Min ser jattendi għandu jkun hemm kmieni. Ir-reġistrazzjoni għal dawk li jixtiequ jirriservaw siġġu hi aċċessibli fuq sal-Ħadd, 27 ta’ Marzu.

Ir-reġistrazzjoni tista’ ssir kemm għal individwu kif ukoll f’isem familja jew grupp… Read more »

Dialogue sessions in preparation for Pope Francis’ visit

Ilkoll Aħwa (One Family) is the theme chosen for events being organised by the Church in Malta as the country prepares spiritually to welcome Pope Francis on the 2nd and 3rd April. Over the next few weeks, the theme of the Apostolic Visit, “They showed us unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2), shall be complemented by a deep reflection to encourage Maltese society to reflect on how all of us who live on these islands are called to care and protect one another as blood relatives do… Read more »

Live: Mass on Ash Wednesday and prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Next Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna will celebrate the Ash Wednesday Liturgy at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta.

The leaders of our country and the faithful are being invited to attend this mass and to join the Holy Father’s appeal for prayer and fasting for peace and the end of aggression and war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian community in Malta is also invited… Read more »

Fundraising campaign for Ukraine

Caritas Malta calls for humanitarian response

Fuq talba tal‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex, Caritas Malta f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Caritas Internationalis, qed tappella għal donazzjonijiet ta’ flus b’risq il‑poplu tal‑Ukrajna li bħalissa għaddej minn tbatija kbira minħabba l‑gwerra. Din hi waħda mill‑inizjattivi li l‑Knisja f’Malta qed tieħu biex tgħin lill‑poplu Ukren.

Madwar tliet miljun persuna Ukrena għandhom bżonn għajnuna umanitarja wara l‑attakki mir‑Russja li bdew fl‑24 ta’ Frar. L‑attakki mill‑armata Russa għamlu diversi ħsarat f’diversi bliet fil‑Lvant tal‑Ukrajna, fosthom fil‑kapitali Kiev, fejn ġew ibbumbardjati djar, appartamenti, sptarijiet u skejjel. 

Caritas Malta qed tappella għad‑donazzjonijiet biex permezz ta’ Caritas Internationalis tingħata l‑assistenza tant meħtieġa f’dan il‑pajjiż… Read more »

Welcoming the herald of mercy

Pastoral Letter for Lent 2022

The Pastoral Letter by the Bishops

“After we had reached safety, we then learned that the island was called Malta. The natives showed us unusual kindness. Since it had begun to rain and was cold, they kindled a fire and welcomed all of us around it” (Acts 28:1-2).

Every time we read these verses from Chapter 28 of the Acts of the Apostles and hear the name of Malta, our hearts become aflame and a shiver of emotion runs down our spine… Read more »

Apostolic Journey by Pope Francis to Malta

  The Collegiate Parish Church of St Paul's Shipwreck, Valletta

Accepting the invitation of the President of the Republic of Malta, the civil authorities and the Catholic Church of the country, His Holiness Pope Francis will make an Apostolic Journey to Malta from 2 to 3 April 2022.

The Pope will visit Valletta, Rabat, Floriana and Ħal Far, and the island of Gozo. The programme and further details of the journey will be published at a later stage… Read more »

Choir of the Archdiocese of Malta

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta se twaqqaf kor sabiex janima quddies waqt diversi attivitajiet djoċesani. Il‑kor se jkun iffurmat minn tfal u adulti. Dawk kollha minn 9 snin ’il fuq jistgħu japplikaw. Għalkemm mhuwiex neċessarju, tagħrif bażiku fil‑qari tal‑mużika jitqies ta’ vantaġġ.

Il‑kor se jkun taħt it‑tmexxija tal‑Mro Christopher Muscat, maestro di cappella tal‑Katidral Metropolitan u direttur mużikali tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.

Agħfas hawn biex tapplikaRead more »

Archdiocese suspends application for rehabilitation of single storey dwelling

The Archdiocese of Malta has suspended an application to rehabilitate an abandoned property in Rabat in order to clarify issues highlighted by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) which were the subject of misleading reports in the media.

The application submitted by the Archdiocese proposes to make habitable an existing single-storey dwelling repossessed from squatters and also to remedy illegalities effected by them on the site, which is located immediately adjacent to a large third-party property and in close proximity to other structures… Read more »