Press Releases

Requiem Mass for Queen Elizabeth II

This Thursday, 15 September 2022, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will celebrate a Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a week after her death. Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 p.m. at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta.

The congregation will be led by President Dr George Vella. State authorities, all Christians in Malta and priests are invited to attend this celebration of faith… Read more »

Season of Creation: “Listen to the voice of creation”

Statement by the Justice and Peace Commission & Environment Commission

“Isma’ leħen il‑ħolqien”. Din hi l‑istedina li l‑Papa Franġisku għamel fil‑messaġġ[1] li ħareġ għall‑okkażjoni tal‑Istaġun tal‑Ħolqien ta’ din is‑sena (mill‑1 ta’ Settembru sal‑4 ta’ Ottubru 2022). Il‑Papa jħeġġiġna nisimgħu bir‑reqqa l‑vuċi tal‑ħolqien: il‑vuċi tal‑pjaneta u l‑vuċi tal‑persuni li jgħixu fiha, ilħna li ilhom żmien imsikkta u mwarrba fil‑ġenb minħabba “interessi ekonomiċi predatorji” li jissarrfu fil‑qerda tal‑ambjent u f’miżerja għal ħafna nies, speċjalment tal‑foqra li dejjem huwa dawk li l‑iktar ibatu l‑konsegwenzi tal‑qerda ambjentali… Read more »

Two new parish priests and a new director for Dar tal-Kleru

Dun Franco Fenech Kappillan ġdid għall-parroċċa tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni fil-Ħamrun

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ħatar lil Dun Franco Fenech bħala kappillan tal‑parroċċa tal‑Immakulata Kunċizzjoni fil‑Ħamrun.

Dun Franco twieled fis‑27 ta’ Lulju 1966 f’Tal‑Pietà u rċieva l‑edukazzjoni primarja fl‑iskola statali tal‑Marsa, is‑sekondarja fil‑Liċeo tal‑Ħamrun, u l‑postsekondarja fil‑Kulleġġ De La Salle fil‑Birgu.  Fi Frar 1986 daħal mal‑Patrijiet Franġiskani Kapuċċini u rċieva l‑formazzjoni reliġjuża f’Pesaro l‑Italja. Dun Franco għamel l‑istudji tiegħu fis‑Seminarju ta’ Fano, li hu affiljat mal‑Università tal‑Lateran f’Ruma… Read more »

Mons. Philip Calleja passes away

He was the director of the Emigrant Commission for about 50 years

Tħabbret il-mewt ta’ Mons. Philip Calleja, li għal 70 sena ħadem b’risq l-emigranti Maltin u r-refuġjati li jfittxu ażil f’Malta u b’risq il-Knisja f’Malta.

Mons. Calleja miet illum it-Tlieta, 16 ta’ Awwissu 2022, fl-3:45am fid-Dar tal-Kleru fi Fleur-de-Lys, fl-età ta’ 93 sena.

Mons. Philip Calleja twieled fit-8 ta’ Diċembru 1928 fil-Belt Valletta u ġie ordnat saċerdot fit-2 ta’ Awwissu 1953.

Għal madwar 50 sena kien id-direttur tal-Kummissjoni Emigranti, li twaqqfet fl-1950 fi ħdan l-Azzjoni Kattolika minħabba l-eżodu kbir ta’ Maltin lejn pajjiżi oħra… Read more »

Parish priest placed on administrative leave

The Archdiocese of Malta has been informed that the parish priest of Marsaxlokk is due to face charges related to misappropriation of funds and money laundering. 

The priest has been placed on administrative leave with immediate effect while proceedings are underway. 

The parish will be placed under the care of an administrator appointed by Archbishop Charles Scicluna.  

The Archdiocese has offered its full cooperation to the authorities and will seek to establish whether long-standing policies related to donations have been followed by the parish priest. 

Since proceedings are underway, the Archdiocese will not be commenting further on this case and appeals to the media to respect the presumption of innocence so that justice can take its full and proper course… Read more »

Archbishop Scicluna meets with staff at St Albert the Great College

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna esprima t‑tama li fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja jiġu implimentati inizjattivi ta’ inklussività fi spirtu ta’ ftuħ u djalogu mal‑istakeholders kollha, partikolarment fl‑iskejjel li jaqgħu taħt it‑tmexxija diretta tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. 

Huwa qal dan waqt laqgħa li saret dalgħodu fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof ma’ madwar 50 edukatur mill‑Kulleġġ San Albert il‑Kbir fil‑Belt Valletta, li jifforma parti u hu mmexxi mill‑Provinċja Dumnikana Maltija. L‑edukaturi kellhom l‑opportunità jsemmgħu leħinhom u jitkellmu mal‑Arċisqof Scicluna… Read more »

The Archdiocese registers a surplus and increases aid during the pandemic

The financial report of the Archdiocese of Malta for 2021

  The Archdiocese of Malta, Floriana

In 2021, the Archdiocese of Malta, which includes more than 100 entities and employs more than 1,340 persons, registered a surplus of €3.4 million. This was a result of the receipt of the APS Bank dividend, after a one‑year gap, income from proceeds from the disposal of property, and an increase in collections in parishes when compared to 2020.

The results were announced by the Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta, Michael Pace Ross, during a press conference at the Archbishop’s Curia… Read more »

New archpriest for Msida parish and new pastoral care coordinator for the elderly

Dun Mario Mifsud Arċipriet ġdid għall-parroċċa tal-Imsida

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ħatar lil Dun Mario Mifsud bħala arċipriet tal‑parroċċa ta’ San Ġużepp fl‑Imsida.

Dun Mario Mifsud twieled Ħ’Attard fis‑17 ta’ Mejju 1963 u rċieva l‑edukazzjoni primarja fl-iskola statali tal-Ħamrun, is-sekondarja fil‑Liċeo, il‑Ħamrun u fis‑Seminarju Minuri. Qabel ma daħal għall‑formazzjoni saċerdotali fis‑Seminarju tal-Arċisqof f’Tal-Virtù, fl‑1988 ggradwa bħala accountant mill‑Università ta’ Malta.

Huwa ġie ordnat saċerdot fis‑16 ta’ Settembru 1994 u beda l‑ħidma pastorali tiegħu bħala viċi kappillan fil‑parroċċa ta’ Ħal Tarxien… Read more »

Statement by the Church Schools Association

The Church Schools Association (CSA) is saddened that the differences between the Board of Governors of St Albert the Great College and its Head, Mr Mario Mallia, could not be reconciled and led to the decision to end Mr Mallia’s tenure as Head of School. 

Notwithstanding the reasons for the dismissal of Mr Mallia, the Association wishes to acknowledge Mr Mallia’s valid contribution to the educational inclusion of disadvantaged students and of students from different backgrounds… Read more »

Event details: Curia’s open weekend 2022

Today, Saturday 23rd, and tomorrow Sunday, 24th July 2022, the Archbishop’s Curia will be opening its doors to the public again after a three-year interval due to the pandemic.

The public is invited to visit the Curia, also known as Casa Manresa, to view the restoration works, meet the bishops, attend mass, participate in informative talks, and witness the pastoral work of the Church in Malta firsthand… Read more »