Press Releases

New edition of ‘L-Ewwel Bibbja Tiegħi’

As part of the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the recently published ‘L-Ewwel Bibbja Tiegħi’ is being promoted to introduce children to the timeless wisdom and values of Bible stories.

Published by the Malta Bible Foundation, this Maltese adaptation of ‘The Beginner’s Bible’ presents stories carefully tailored for young readers. First released in 1989, The Beginner’s Bible has earned classic status, with over 25 million copies sold worldwide in various languages… Read more »

Jubilee with Christian Brethren during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

2024 Diocesan Ecumenical Service

Christians from across the world are currently celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which will last until Saturday 25th January 2025. In Malta, the Jubilee with Christian brethren from other Churches will be celebrated a day earlier, during the customary Diocesan Ecumenical Service. Archbishop Charles Scicluna will lead the celebration, while the homily will be delivered by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Melite, Exarch in Malta of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople… Read more »

Hospice Malta opens St Michael Hospice, a palliative care complex that champions life and dignity

St Michael Hospice in Santa Venera was inaugurated today, enabling Hospice Malta to expand its dedicated palliative services to over 1,500 patients annually, while continuing to uphold its fundamental values of care, compassion and dignity.

This is a milestone for Hospice Malta, which first opened its doors in 1989, and will enhance palliative care in Malta through its expanded community services, improved facilities, for day therapy and inpatient services, as well as educational facilities… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Scicluna in January 2025

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Jannar, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq, Newsbook Malta, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta… Read more »

Cherishing the value of children as a source of blessing

Christmas message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

Greetings and best wishes for a joyous Christmas to everyone following and listening to this message. This year, I have chosen to deliver my Christmas reflections from this dear location, Hospice Malta, traditionally known as the Cini Institute in Santa Venera. What is the historical significance of this place to the Maltese and Gozitans?

Cini Institute began as a food production facility owned by the Cini family, who operated a pasta factory here… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations by the Archbishop during Christmas and at the beginning of the New Year

Photo: The Archbishop celebrating Mass on the New Year’s Day at Dar tal‑Providenza
Photo: Archdiocese of Malta – Ian Noel Pace

During Christmas, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna will lead a series of liturgical celebrations that commence on Christmas Eve and are open to the public.

On Tuesday, 24th December, the Archbishop will preside over the First Vespers at 5:15pm and subsequently lead the Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve at St John’s Co‑Cathedral, Valletta… Read more »

The opening of the Jubilee of Hope in the Archdiocese of Malta

On Sunday, 29th December 2024, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will inaugurate the Jubilee Year 2025 in the Archdiocese of Malta under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. This event follows the official opening of the Holy Year by Pope Francis on Christmas Eve, marked by the opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, where the Pope will then preside over Mass.

The celebration in the Church of Malta will begin at 5:00pm with a liturgical rite observed across the Catholic world… Read more »

St Barbara’s Church in Valletta to be restored

The Archdiocese of Malta and Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna (FWA) have reached an agreement for the study, conservation and restoration of St Barbara’s Church in Valletta, a project expected to be completed in approximately five years. Situated on Republic Street, the church will continue being used for religious functions, while FWA will assist in sourcing funding for the necessary conservation works and offer its custodial support. 

The agreement was signed by Michael Pace Ross, Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese, and Mario Farrugia, chairman of FWA, in the presence of the newly appointed church rector Mgr Paul Vella. 

Mr Pace Ross said restoration can start in 2025 after the necessary approvals are sought, thanks to secured financial commitments… Read more »

Giving hope through Caritas Malta Christmas lunch

Details about the Christmas Lunch at Curia announced

Caritas Malta qed tistieden lill‑persuni li jinsabu weħidhom jew m’għandhomx il‑mezzi sabiex din is‑sena jqattgħu Milied b’dinjità u jiġu jieklu flimkien għall‑ikla tal‑Milied fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof fil‑Furjana. Din l-ikla hi turija ta’ mħabba mgħixha fil‑konkret u sinjal tanġibbli ta’ Knisja li tilqa’ lil kulħadd. 

Il-Vigarju Episkopali għad-Djakonija, Dun Martin Micallef, qal li din l-ikla li ssir ta’ kull sena permezz ta’ Caritas Malta fil-Milied, li “hi festa fejn Ġesù, li ġie fostna, jgħallimna l-lingwa tal-imħabba kif proprju jiġri f’din l-ikla, ġest li l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna jagħmlu billi jagħti dan il-post biex ngħixu l-kmandament tal-imħabba.”

Dun Martin żied jgħid li għal dan iż-żmien fil‑Knisja f’Malta hemm diversi kappillani li fil‑Milied jew fl‑ewwel tas‑sena jorganizzaw ikla għal nies weħidhom jew li għaddejjin minn diffikultajiet differenti fil-parroċċi tagħhom… Read more »

‘Don’t judge us’ – Women survivors of violence tell society

Women survivors of violence, who benefited from Fondazzjoni Sebħ’s support services, have opened up about the traumas they faced, underscoring financial stability as critical to escaping abusive relationships.

Sharing their lived experiences of abuse with dignitaries and stakeholders, these women recently made an urgent appeal for policy changes to better support survivors and prevent violence.

These courageous women shed light on the barriers they faced and the support that helped them recover through the Our Journey, Our Voice project, launched by Fondazzjoni Sebħ earlier this year… Read more »