Papal Visit

A unique opportunity for the Maltese people to give a warm welcome to Pope Francis

Statement by Church organizing committee and State organizing committee

(lemin) L-Isqof Joseph Galea-Curmi u s-Sur Aaron Zahra

Jumejn qabel tibda ż‑żjara uffiċjali tal‑Papa Franġisku f’pajjiżna bit‑tema “Ġabu ruħhom magħna bi ħlewwa liema bħalha” meħuda mill‑Atti tal‑Appostli, l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi flimkien maċ‑Chairman tal‑Kumitat Organizzattiv tal‑Istat Aaron Zahra indirizzaw konferenza tal‑aħbarijiet biex jingħataw dettalji dwar dan il‑Vjaġġ Appostoliku.

L‑Isqof Galea‑Curmi qal li huwa b’ferħ kbir għalina l‑Maltin u l‑Għawdxin li wara sentejn li kien tħabbar dan il‑vjaġġ, nhar is‑Sibt li ġej nilqgħu fostna l‑Qdusija Tiegħu l‑Papa Franġisku… Read more »

Preparations underway for Pope’s visit to Malta

Il‑Knisja f’Malta nediet diversi inizjattivi bħala parti mit‑tħejjija għall‑Vjaġġ Appostoliku tal‑Papa Franġisku f’Malta. 

Pope Francis in Malta

Għall‑Vjaġġ Appostoliku tal‑Papa Franġisku nħolqot il‑paġna fuq Facebook ‘Pope Francis in Malta’ fejn qed jittellgħu dettalji relatati mal‑preparamenti u maż‑żjara nnifisha. Matul il‑jumejn li l‑Papa Franġisku jkun Malta, din il‑paġna se tkun qed tiġi kontinwament aġġornata b’ritratti u filmati mil‑lokalitajiet u l‑parroċċi minn fejn ikun għadda l‑Papa… Read more »

Pope asks for prayers for his visit to Malta

At the conclusion of Wednesday’s General Audience, Pope Francis asks for prayers for his weekend visit to Malta from 2-3 April, while thanking all those involved in the preparations.

Pope Francis spoke about his Apostolic Journey coming up this weekend to the Mediterranean island of Malta.

The Pope said he looks forward to visiting that “luminous land” following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, who was warmly welcomed there after being shipwrecked at sea on his way to Rome. 

He said this Apostolic Journey will offer a unique opportunity “to go to the wellsprings of the proclamation of the Gospel” and experience for himself the Christian community there whose lively history goes back thousands of years… Read more »

Pop-up Papal exhibition at City Gate

An evocative exhibition featuring papal visits to Malta has been set up at the entrance to Valletta ahead of the two-day visit by Pope Francis on Saturday.

Stretching back to 1990 when Pope Saint John II Paul famously said “Europe needs Malta’s faithful witness”, the exhibition makes use of the key messages imparted by the popes during their visits to the island.

Pope Francis will be the third Pontiff to tour Malta… Read more »

One family in Malta: kindness in hospitality

  St Joseph’s Parish, Kalkara

The fifth and last dialogue session of Ilkoll Aħwa is taking place on Friday 1st April, with the theme chosen being ‘One family in Malta: kindness in hospitality’ and will be led by Mark Cachia.

Christian hospitality begins with an attitude of gratitude towards a God who welcomes. In the Gospel, apart from being portrayed as a gracious and merciful host, Jesus is also shown as a vulnerable and needy stranger… Read more »

Two books by Maltese and Gozitan students to be presented to Pope Francis

Bi tħejjija għall‑miġja tal‑Papa Franġisku f’Malta u Għawdex nhar is‑Sibt u l‑Ħadd li ġej, studenti minn 81 skola tal‑Istat, tal‑Knisja u Indipendenti fl‑aħħar ġimgħat ġew mistiedna jesprimu ruħhom b’mod artistiku dwar it‑tema ‘Ilkoll Aħwa’. Dan permezz ta’ tpinġijiet, filmati, żfin, collages, intervisti, kitbiet, poeżiji u mudelli maħduma bl‑idejn. Ix‑xogħol li ħolqu l‑istudenti nġabar f’żewġ kotba li l‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex se jippreżentaw lill‑Papa Franġisku meta se jkellmuh dwar il‑ħidma tal‑Knisja f’Malta… Read more »

The story that the Pope’s podium in Malta will tell

Carlo Schembri's design for the papal podium in Ħal Far draws on some dark truth

The podium on which Pope Francis will meet migrants in Ħal Far

The plight of migrants at sea will literally take centre stage when Pope Francis visits the Ħal Far Peace Lab during his two-day visit this weekend.

The podium on which the pope will meet migrants on April 3 will tell the story of the dark reality that is often ignored as people get on with their busy lives, said artistic director Carlo Schembri… Read more »

More details on Pope Francis’ visit to Gozo

Kif tħabbar fl-24 ta’ Frar li għadda mis-Sala Stampa tal-Vatikan, waqt iż-Żjara tal-Papa Franġisku f’Għawdex bħala parti mis-36 Vjaġġ Appostoliku tiegħu, hu se jkun qed imexxi Laqgħa ta’ Talb fuq iz-zuntier tas-Santwarju Nazzjonali tal-Madonna Ta’ Pinu, li tibda fil-5:30pm.

Qabel tibda l-laqgħa fuq barra, il-Papa sa jitlob fis-skiet quddiem il-kwadru fil-Kappella tal-Madonna u jgħid it-tliet Avemarijiet li rrakkomandat il-Madonna Ta’ Pinu lil Karmni Grima meta sejħitilha fl-1883, f’ġieħ it-tlett ijiem li l-ġisem qaddis tagħha dam fil-qabar qabel it-Tlugħ fis-Sema… Read more »

Ilkoll Aħwa: Justice, mercy and reconciliation

  St Mary’s Parish, Ħ’Attard

The fourth dialogue session of Ilkoll Aħwa is taking place on 25th March with the theme chosen being ‘Justice, mercy and reconciliation’, which are three pillars of Pope Francis’ teachings. Whether in the intimacy of our homes or in the political sphere, they are necessary for our well-being built on strong relationships. The dialogue will be led by Dr Nadia Delicata

Justice is based on truth about the equal dignity of every human being and how we all have a right to flourish in a healthy environment, through a network of caring and stable relationships, while enriched by the cultural heritage as passed on by our ancestors… Read more »

Thousands to attend Pope Francis’ Mass on the Granaries

Two weeks away from Pope Francis' apostolic journey in Malta

The Diocesan Organising Committee for the Pope’s visit has published an artistic impression of the platform to be built on the Floriana Granaries, and on which Pope Francis will celebrate Mass on Sunday 3rd April at 10.15am. The platform has been designed by artistic director Carlo Schembri in collaboration with architect Joe Bondin who is handling its structure, as well as Mr Anton Attard who is handling logistics… Read more »