
Pope says he is ‘deeply sorry’ to Indigeneous Peoples in Canada

Highlights of Pope Francis in Maskwacis for the Meeting with Indigenous Peoples

In his first public event in Canada, Pope Francis addresses representatives of Indigenous Peoples of the First Nations, the Métis and the Inuit gathered in Maskwacis Park, near Edmonton. In his poignant speech, he again implores forgiveness for the evils committed by many Christians against the Indigenous Peoples in Canada in the residential school system… Read more »

Dun Ġorġ died 60 years ago

L-ewwel Superjur Ġenerali, Eugenio Borg (Gege) jbus lil Dun Ġorġ mejjet

Minn sentejn ’l hawn is-26 ta’ Lulju hu marbut mal-Jum Dinji tan-Nanniet u l-Anzjani ċċelebrat fl-eqreb Ħadd fuq xewqa tal-Papa Franġisku. Dan għaliex f’din il-ġurnata l-Knisja fil-kalendarju tagħha tfakkar in-nanniet ta’ Ġesù, Sant’Anna u San Ġwakkin.

Imma għal Malta u b’mod speċjali għas-Soċjetà tal-Museum dan hu wkoll il-jum tal-anniversarju mill-mewt tal-fundatur… Read more »

Climate change tops priorities in Catholic Education Secretariat’s new environmental policy

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has approved its wide-ranging environmental policy, placing climate change as its key priority for the years ahead. Echoing Pope Francis’ belief that the world faces “the challenge of civilisation”, the policy argues that as an educational institution it has a responsibility to support, participate in, and where possible create initiatives that can help restore our ailing Earth… Read more »

Mass on the 25th anniversary of the founding of NAO

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Cardinal Parolin: Pope Francis in Canada to embrace indigenous peoples

The six days Pope Francis will spend in Canada will be intense. An entire country is awaiting him, a part of which has been wounded by the horrors of the past, in which indigenous peoples suffered violence and deprivation at the hands of a colonialist mentality which employed policies and practices of cultural assimilation with the goal of annihilating indigenous identities.

Pope Francis himself has called his Apostolic Visit to Canada a “penitential pilgrimage” which seeks to “contribute to the journey of reconciliation and healing already underway.”

The Pope will once again embrace the pain and suffering of indigenous communities, following his recent meetings with them in the Vatican… Read more »

Courses in pastoral psychology and environmental or business ethics

F’Ottubru 2022, il-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija—bil-kollaborazzjoni ta’ fakultajiet, istituti u ċentri oħra fl-Università ta’ Malta—qed toffri Postgraduate Diploma fil-Psikoloġija Pastorali, Master fl-Etika Ambjentali u Master fl-Etika tan-Negozju. Il-korsijiet huma fuq bażi part-time filgħaxija. L-applikazzjonijiet miftuħin.

Għal aktar informazzjoni tista’:

St John’s Co-Cathedral awarded by Tripadvisor in 2022 Travellers’ Choice Best of The Best

St John’s Co-Cathedral recognised among best attractions in Europe

The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation announces that it has been recognised by Tripadvisor as the overall ‘2022 Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best’ award winner and is listed on the top 25 Attractions in Europe.

In a year of heavy competition and changing traveller priorities, St John’s Co-Cathedral exceeded expectations and has been lauded as one of their favourites. Based on a full year of Tripadvisor reviews, the Travellers’ Choice Awards honour the best in travel, recognising the places that delivered the most exceptional experiences… Read more »

Research: “Representations of Catholicism in Malta today”

DISCERN, the Diocesan Research Institute on the Signs of the Times, is convening a round table on Thursday, 21 July 2022, to reflect on the findings of a study of representations of Catholicism in Malta. In the words of the research report, “The study of representations of Catholicism in Malta is important. By studying such representations, one opens a window into the Maltese cultural milieu… Read more »

The Archbishop leads a pilgrimage in Lourdes

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ħalla Malta t‑Tnejn filgħaxija, 18 ta’ Lulju 2022, għal Lourdes fejn qiegħed imexxi pellegrinaġġ għall‑morda. Dan hu d‑90 pellegrinaġġ annwali li qed torganizza l‑Għaqda Maltija għat‑Trasport tal‑Morda f’Lourdes (UMTAL). L‑Arċisqof hu akkumpanjat minn Dun Joseph Mizzi, id‑direttur spiritwali tal‑UMTAL, kif ukoll minn Dun Martin Micallef, id‑Direttur tad‑Dar tal‑Providenza.

Għal dan il‑pellegrinaġġ qed jattendu 180 persuna: 55 pazjent, 65 pellegrin u 60 voluntier li jinkludu tobba, infermiera u spiżjara… Read more »

Inauguration of a monument to commemorate the elderly victims of Covid-19


Il-President ta’ Malta George Vella inawgura monument f’Tas-Sliema li jfakkar lill-anzjani li tilfu ħajjithom matul il-pandemija tal-Covid-19. Il-President qal li din il-pandemija kienet kiefra għall-anzjani, l-aktar dawk f’residenzi jew l-isptarijiet minħabba n-nuqqas ta’ kuntatt fiżiku ma’ dawk l-aktar qrib tagħhom.

Appella biex bħala soċjetà nsibu mezz ta’ kif insaħħu l-preżenza tagħna fil-ħajja tal-anzjani. “Kull wieħed u waħda minna jista’ jagħti sehmu biex il-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-anzjani tagħna tmur dejjem għall-aħjar,” qal il-President… Read more »