
A new book about Lourdes full of information and experiences

A new publication that explores every facet of this unique spiritual experience

Pass, Pass f’Lourdes u fil-madwar – ġabra ta’ tagħrif u esperjenzi is the name of a new book, written and published by Michael Caruana, that entails every aspect of the spiritual experience. A quaint old town tucked away in the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains and which, over the years, has won worldwide renown for its aura of mysticism. A place where the impossible becomes possible through the power of prayer… Read more »

Miraculous icon of Our Lady of Damascus restored

  The Greek-Catholic Church, Valletta

On Thursday 30th June 2022, the restored miraculous icon of Our Lady of Damascus was officially inaugurated at the Greek-Catholic church in Valletta. The conservation and restoration project, which took about three years to conclude, was successfully carried out by the firm Atelier del Restauro (Malta).

This was a very delicate task, given the icon is around one thousand years old and needed a lot of consolidation… Read more »

Our Community Our Space – Young People Speak Out

A one-day conference by the Community Prevention Team within Fondazzjoni Sebħ

On 1st July, during a one-day conference, the Community Prevention Team within Fondazzjoni Sebħ concluded the project Our Community Our Space – Young People Speak Out. The project, financed by the Active Citizens Fund, was initiated in January 2021 and began with a study on stakeholders’ and residents’ perspective of safety within the communities of Ħamrun and Marsa. The project also included drama therapy sessions and Youth Platform meetings that offered a safe space for the young people to explore and discuss themes of safety in the community and the re-imagination of community spaces and how public space can truly become an inclusive, safe space for all… Read more »

Pope Francis respects US Supreme court decision and condemns abortion

In a wide-ranging interview with American journalist Philip Pullela of Reuters, Pope Francis covers topics such as the recent US Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the possibility of resigning, the decision to postpone his planned Apostolic Visit to South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and his hopes for a trip to Moscow and Kyiv.

Pope Francis has responded to the U.S… Read more »

€519,721 raised from Volleyball Marathon in aid of Dar tal-Providenza

The 12th edition of the Volleyball Marathon came to an end at midnight on Sunday. The sum of €519,721 was raised for Id-Dar tal-Providenza and was collected during the 53 hours of the marathon, in which 40 players and around 200 volunteers participated.

Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, said this marathon was indeed a marathon of solidarity and sport, and the altruistic spirit was reflected in the number of players and volunteers… Read more »

Any investigation into reports of abuse must be independent – Head of Safeguarding Commission

Il-Kap tas-Safeguarding Commission Andrew Azzopardi qal li kull investigazzjoni f’rapporti ta’ abbuż minn persuni reliġjużi trid tkun indipendenti minn kull tip ta’ indħil.

F’intervista ma’, Azzopardi tkellem dwar konferenza li saret f’Ruma għal persuni li jaħdmu fil-qasam tal-ħarsien tat-tfal u tal-adulti vulnerabbli fil-Knisja. Għal din il-konferenza attendew 80 persuna li sitta minnhom kienu qed jirrappreżentaw lill-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta u lill-Kunsill tas-Superjuri Maġġuri Reliġjużi, jiġifieri l-ordnijiet reliġjużi f’Malta… Read more »

The Volleyball Marathon in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza begins tomorrow

After an absence of two years due to the pandemic, Dar tal-Providenza this year is bringing back the Volleyball Marathon in aid of the Home. This was announced by Fr Martin Micallef, director of Dar tal-Providenza, during a press briefing during which details of the 12th edition of the Marathon were given.

The marathon is once again taking place at the Home’s carpark in Siġġiewi from tomorrow Friday, 1st July till Sunday, 3rd July, 2022… Read more »

Luminous Kindness – Official publication commemorating Pope’s visit launched

An official publication commemorating Pope Francis’s Apostolic Journey to Malta through a series of evocative photographs and text has been launched by Archbishop Charles Scicluna.

Published by Beacon Media – the Church media group that owns Newsbook, 103 Malta’s Heart and Media Centre – the 168-page book entitled Luminous Kindness also features all the speeches and prayers made during the Pope’s visit to a number of locations in Malta and Gozo, on April 2 and 3… Read more »

Interested in Business Ethics or Environmental Ethics?

The Professional Ethics Platform at the University of Malta is offering two inter-disciplinary postgraduate programmes coming October 2022.

The M.A. in Business Ethics aims to introduce candidates to the important ethical issues, concepts and theories linked to the context of business activities and related economic environments. The Master is an inter-faculty project—offered by the Faculty of Theology, in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy (FEMA) and the Faculty of Laws—and brings together the fields of business studies, marketing, public policy, philosophical ethics, law, and moral theology… Read more »