
Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

The feast in honour of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal was celebrated in her chapel at Blata l-Bajda on Friday, 29 November, 2024. Eucharistic adoration started at 5:00 pm, during which the Holy Rosary was recited and concluded with a Eucharistic blessing. The solemn feast mass followed, led by Rev. Franco Fenech, the Parish Priest of the Parish of The Immaculate Conception in Ħamrun… Read more »

Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral: The beauty of faith recounted in stone

“A true act of thanksgiving and an act of faith; do not settle for admiring the magnificent stones. Remember that this is a gift from God and a gift for God.”

Archbishop Laurent Ulrich, the Archbishop of Paris, made that invitation regarding the restoration and partial reconstruction of Paris’s iconic cathedral just weeks before its reopening.

Ahead of the reopening ceremony on Sunday, December 8, Roger Pouivet, a French philosopher of religion and professor emeritus of the University of Lorraine, spoke to Vatican News about the link between culture and heritage… Read more »

Giving hope through Caritas Malta Christmas lunch

Details about the Christmas Lunch at Curia announced

Caritas Malta qed tistieden lill‑persuni li jinsabu weħidhom jew m’għandhomx il‑mezzi sabiex din is‑sena jqattgħu Milied b’dinjità u jiġu jieklu flimkien għall‑ikla tal‑Milied fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof fil‑Furjana. Din l-ikla hi turija ta’ mħabba mgħixha fil‑konkret u sinjal tanġibbli ta’ Knisja li tilqa’ lil kulħadd. 

Il-Vigarju Episkopali għad-Djakonija, Dun Martin Micallef, qal li din l-ikla li ssir ta’ kull sena permezz ta’ Caritas Malta fil-Milied, li “hi festa fejn Ġesù, li ġie fostna, jgħallimna l-lingwa tal-imħabba kif proprju jiġri f’din l-ikla, ġest li l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna jagħmlu billi jagħti dan il-post biex ngħixu l-kmandament tal-imħabba.”

Dun Martin żied jgħid li għal dan iż-żmien fil‑Knisja f’Malta hemm diversi kappillani li fil‑Milied jew fl‑ewwel tas‑sena jorganizzaw ikla għal nies weħidhom jew li għaddejjin minn diffikultajiet differenti fil-parroċċi tagħhom… Read more »

Awaiting you…

On Saturday, November 30, 2024, a Christmas gathering was held for all the teens and their families who attend the SDC centres of Malta as a preparation for the coming joyous Christmas season. This event, themed ‘Nistennewk…’ (Awaiting you…), took place in the Auditorium at Blata l-Bajda. Through videos and hymns, attendees reflected on the experience of waiting for Christmas, the birth of Baby Jesus… Read more »

From Rabat, Gozo, to Rabat, Morocco: Fr Alfred Xuereb on his new role as Apostolic Nuncio

Newsbook Malta spoke with Fr Alfred Xuereb, the Apostolic Nuncio to Morocco, about his first year in this new role after five years representing the Vatican in South Korea and Mongolia.

Appointed to Morocco on 5 January 2024, Fr Xuereb found himself in a completely unfamiliar environment but was immediately struck by the warmth of the people. He recounted memorable moments, such as a soldier offering him food to celebrate the end of Ramadan and his Muslim driver asking him to bless his grandchildren… Read more »

‘Don’t judge us’ – Women survivors of violence tell society

Women survivors of violence, who benefited from Fondazzjoni Sebħ’s support services, have opened up about the traumas they faced, underscoring financial stability as critical to escaping abusive relationships.

Sharing their lived experiences of abuse with dignitaries and stakeholders, these women recently made an urgent appeal for policy changes to better support survivors and prevent violence.

These courageous women shed light on the barriers they faced and the support that helped them recover through the Our Journey, Our Voice project, launched by Fondazzjoni Sebħ earlier this year… Read more »

Video: The rite of Recognitio takes place in St. Peter’s Basilica

Ftit tal-jiem ilu, l-Arċipriet tal-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru, il-Kardinal Mauro Gambetti, mexxa ċ-ċerimonja msejħa ‘Recognitio’.

Dan ir-rit isir sabiex tinkiseb lura ċ-ċavetta tal-bieb, li nhar l-24 ta’ Diċembru – f’Lejlet il-Milied – il-Papa Franġisku jkun jista’ jiftaħ il-Porta Santa biex jinawgura l-Ġublew tat-Tama.

Fiċ-ċerimonja tar-Recognitio li saret nhar it-2 ta Diċembru, kien hemm l-irkupru ta’ kaxxa tal-ħadid issiġillata li tkun impoġġija f’ħajt… Read more »

“Peace requires more than just the absence of wars” – Archbishop Gallagher to the OSCE

Photo – Miguela Xuereb

L-Arċisqof Paul Richard Gallagher appella lill-Organizzazzjoni għas-Sigurtà u l-Kooperazzjoni fl-Ewropa (OSCE) biex ma tinsiex l-iskop oriġinali tagħha u tenna li “l-paċi trid iktar milli sempliċiment niżguraw li ma jkunx hemm gwerer fid-dinja”.

L-Arċisqof Gallagher huwa s-Segretarju tal-Vatikan għar-Relazzjonijiet mal-Istati u Organizzazzjonijiet Oħra u qed jattendi għal-laqgħa ta’ jumejn tal-OSCE li qed issir f’Malta.

Il-laqgħa qed issir qalb tensjoni kbira fid-dawl tal-gwerra bejn l-Ukrajna u r-Russja, il-protesti fil-Georgia u l-gwerer fil-Lvant Nofsani… Read more »

New candidate for priesthood

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Andrè Psaila, seminarista fil-ħames sena ta’ preparazzjoni fis-Seminarju, se jitlob lill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna biex jaċċettah bħala kandidat għall-Ordinazzjoni Djakonali u Saċerdotali. Din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni se ssir fil-festa tal-Kunċizzjoni, nhar il-Ħadd, 8 ta’ Diċembru 2024, waqt il-quddiesa fit-Tieni Ħadd tal-Avvent.

Il-quddiesa tibda fid-9:30am u se tixxandar fuq TVM,, Newsbook Malta u Radju RTK 103.

Andrè Psaila mill-Parroċċa ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid, se jistqarr pubblikament ir-rieda tiegħu li joffri lilu nnifsu lill-Knisja biex iservi bħala saċerdot… Read more »

Archbishop Scicluna: How synodality will change the Roman Curia

Archbishop Charles Scicluna shares his candid reflections on the recent Synod on Synodality in an interview with America Magazine, a leading Catholic publication, and Vatican correspondent Gerard O’Connell. The discussion touches on key topics, including the role and involvement of women in the Church.

Archbishop Scicluna is the adjunct secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. He is well known for his work in combating the abuse of minors by clergy as the dicastery’s former chief prosecutor and for his special investigations into situations of abuse and cover-up worldwide… Read more »