
Preparing ourselves for Christmas by sharing with others – The Archbishop

Mass on the Third Advent of Christmas

  The Parish Church of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, Burmarrad

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Innuttaw, li għal tliet darbiet fl-Evanġelju li għadna kemm smajna, mit-tielet kapitlu ta’ San Luqa, diversi kategoriji ta’ nies, li jiltaqgħu ma’ Ġwanni l-Battista, ma’ Ġwanni l-Ħabbar, jistaqsuh: “X’għandna nagħmlu? (Lq 3:10). Din hija mistoqsija profonda għax aħna niftakru li l-bniedem meta jrid jagħmel ta’ rasu, lil Alla ma jistaqsihx: ‘Imma Mulej, inti x’taħseb?’ Din issir anke meta nkunu qegħdin nitfarfru, trid tagħmel xi ħaġa ta’ rasek, l-aħħar nies li tkellem huma lil ommok u missierek għax dawn inkella se jibdlulek fehmtek… Read more »

Applications open for music courses for children and youths in 2025

Apply now: Award in Choral Singing for the Liturgy and Ħarbex

Applications are now open for two courses starting in January and February 2025 for children born between 2014 and 2018, and young adults. The courses are being organised by the Academy of Sacred Music Francesco Azopardi of the Archdiocese of Malta, designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals involved in music ministry within the Church.  

The Award in Choral Singing for the Liturgy course is open to boys and girls aged 7 to 14… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr Bernard Micallef

This podcast takes us to the choir of the Tarxien Parish Church, a place filled with nostalgia for Fr Bernard Micallef, evoking memories of his childhood and the beginnings of his journey toward the priesthood. The third of six children, Fr Bernard recounts how formative experiences with the abbots, the MUSEUM, and ŻAK deeply shaped him into the person he is today. Although he felt called to the priesthood from a young age, his life took him through diverse experiences before he finally entered the seminary… Read more »

Pope Francis creates 21 new cardinals

Pope Francis installed 21 new cardinals from five continents on Saturday.

Five bishops from Latin America, including from Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Peru and Argentina, two from Africa’s Ivory Coast and Algeria and the archbishop of Tehran are among those being elevated to cardinal.

The 87-year-old pontiff led a ceremony in St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican, with what appeared to be a bruised chin… Read more »

“I came looking for the one who paid for my priesthood but discovered that he had died” – Fr Augustine

Fr Augustine Lape, saċerdot Kenjan imlaqqam il-Lapes wasal biex iprofessa grazzi għal diversi benefatturi Maltin, l-aktar Żabbarin u Pawlisti, biss meta ġie Malta biex jiltaqa’ ma’ benefattur minnhom, iż-Żejtuni Michael Montebello skopra li dan sfortunatament kien ħalliena.

Fr Augustine kien wieħed mill-mistednin waqt il-programm BTW li fih ħadu sehem persuni barranin li ħadu inizjattiva jitgħallmu l-ilsien Malti. Hu ilu saċerdot 20 sena, u kien ġie Malta l-ewwel darba fl-2000… Read more »

St Barbara’s Church in Valletta to be restored

The Archdiocese of Malta and Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna (FWA) have reached an agreement for the study, conservation and restoration of St Barbara’s Church in Valletta, a project expected to be completed in approximately five years. Situated on Republic Street, the church will continue being used for religious functions, while FWA will assist in sourcing funding for the necessary conservation works and offer its custodial support. 

The agreement was signed by Michael Pace Ross, Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese, and Mario Farrugia, chairman of FWA, in the presence of the newly appointed church rector Mgr Paul Vella. 

Mr Pace Ross said restoration can start in 2025 after the necessary approvals are sought, thanks to secured financial commitments… Read more »

Pope at Audience: May the Spirit help us ‘abound in hope’

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We have arrived at the end of our catecheses on the Holy Spirit and the Church. We will devote this final reflection to the title we gave to the entire cycle, namely: “The Holy Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the People of God towards Jesus our hope”. This title refers to one of the last verses of the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, which says: “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come’” (Rev 22:17)… Read more »

Sunday morning retreat – SDC co-operators (Malta)

The Co-Operators (Malta) gathered at St. Michael’s School for a halfday retreat on Sunday, December 1, 2024. SDC Member Emanuel Curmi shared two reflections on the season of Advent, emphasising our strong desire to meet Jesus face to face.

This retreat was a significant help to the Co-operators in the beginning of Advent, encouraging each participant to prepare his heart in the best possible way to host in it Baby Jesus… Read more »

EU bishops reflect on Europe’s future and challenges of the new institutional cycle

The bishops of the European Union convened in Brussels from 27 to 29 November 2024 for the autumn Plenary Assembly of COMECE. Focus: peace, European integration, Single Market, the future of work in the EU and implementation of Article 17 TFEU.

The Assembly coincided with the European Parliament’s vote on the new European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen. In response, COMECE President Mgr… Read more »

Gaudete! – Cappella Sanctae Catharinae Presents Italian Christmas Music Concert

Cappella Sanctae Catharinae returns with Gaudete! – its much anticipated annual Christmas Concert. This year the choir will present a concert of beautiful, but rarely heard, Italian Christmas choral music.

The programme features a mixture of gorgeous Italian Baroque polyphony, by composers such as Pomponio Nenna and Giovanni Belli. It will also include rarely heard Christmas Carols from all over Italy, including Sicily, Veneto, and Naples… Read more »