
Annual Christmas Outreach Initiative

By senior students of St Paul’s Missionary College

The Senior Students of St Paul’s Missionary College have once again embraced their missionary identity, hosting their annual outreach event that brings together students, staff, and the wider community. Held twice a year, this cherished tradition aligns with the College’s commitment to fostering a sense of altruism and service among its students. This year’s event was organised in collaboration with ten different institutions and services in preparation for Christmas… Read more »

Demonstration with Baby Jesus at the Valletta Waterfront

Children and youth from both the male and female SDC Centres of Żurrieq, along with their families, led a tradiitonal demonstration with Baby Jesus along the Valletta Waterfront. The event took place on December 18th at 7:30 pm, culminating at the Chapel of the Flight into Egypt. The statue of Baby Jesus was carried along the beautifully decorated waterfront, with Christmas carols sung to enkindle a joyful Christmas spirit… Read more »

“The mission of ŻAK House is still very relevant”

The place where dreams come true and young people shape their lives

Josef, Deborah u Brandon għandu ħafna memorji fiż-ŻAK House li tinsab f’Birkirkara u bħalhom eluf ta’ żgħażagħ u persuni oħra li għal xi raġuni jew oħra utilizzaw din il-binja tal-Azzjoni Kattolika.

Josef Debono, kien wieħed mill-persuni li ħadmu biex dan il-proġett iseħħ. Hu qal li hi xi ħaġa sabiħa li wara snin ta’ xogħol qiegħda fl-istat li qiegħda fih u dan jagħtihom sodisfazzjon kbir… Read more »

Pope at Audience: “Jesus Christ, our hope”

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Catechesis of the Holy Father: Cycle – Jubilee 2025. Jesus Christ our hope. 1. The infancy of Jesus – Genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1:1-17). The entry of the Son of God in history

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today we will begin the cycle of catechesis that will continue throughout the Jubilee Year. The theme is “Jesus Christ our Hope”: for He is the aim of our pilgrimage, and He Himself is the way, the path to follow… Read more »

Christmas activity for SDC Youth

On the occasion of the Christmas Novena, the SDC Youth group gathered at the General House (Blata l-Bajda) on Tuesday, 17 December 2024. This event provided an opportunity for the young people to reflect on how the birth of Baby Jesus strengthens us with hope. Natalino Camilleri shared insights on how every Christian should act as a missionary of hope by sharing in the suffering of others… Read more »

Pope Francis launches Jubilee catechesis: “Jesus Christ, Our Hope”

Photo: Vatican News

Hekk kif qed toqrob is-Sena tal-Ġublew, il-Papa Franġisku inawgura ċiklu ġdid ta’ katekeżi ċċentrat fuq it-tema “Ġesù Kristu, it-tama tagħna”.

Din is-sensiela se tkopri s-Sena Mqaddsa kollha u tiffoka fuq l-esplorazzjoni tal-ħajja ta’ Ġesù, u tibda mit-tfulija Tiegħu kif irrakkontat fl-Evanġelji ta’ Mattew u Luqa.

Ġesù: L-għan u t-triq

Waqt l-introduzzjoni tal-katekeżi waqt l-Udjenza Ġenerali tiegħu, il-Papa ddeskriva lil Ġesù bħala “l-għan tal-pellegrinaġġ tagħna, u Hu nnifsu huwa t-triq, it-triq li għandna nimxu”… Read more »


Between the 21st of December 2024 and the 5th of January 2025, the Archbishop’s Curia, including the Marriage Office in Floriana, will be closed all day. The Ecclesiastical Tribunal in Valletta will be closed from the 23rd of December 2024 until the 5th of January 2025.

The Curia and the Ecclesiastical Tribunal reopen on Monday, 6th January 2025. Read more »

Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ: New Secretary for Jesuit Education


The Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Fr Arturo Sosa has appointed the present Rector of St Aloysius College in Birkirkara, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ, as the next Secretary of Education (Secondary and Pre-Secondary) of the universal Society of Jesus.

Fr Bartolo will move to the Jesuits’ General Curia in Rome to start his new mission in January 2026, where he will succeed Fr Josè Alberto Mesa SJ who will have completed more than 15 years as the Secretary for Education… Read more »

Advent in the Chapel

In preparation for Christmas, an Advent celebration was held on Friday, December 6, 2024, in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Blata l-Bajda. The theme of the celebration was ‘Blessed are you who believed!’. Attendees were invited to reflect on the fact that Advent is a time of active anticipation. Following Mary’s example, everyone was encouraged to believe, rejoice, and serve while awaiting the birth of Baby Jesus… Read more »

Pope Francis ends apostolic journey to Corsica

Pope Francis has embarked on his 47th apostolic journey, visiting Corsica for a day of spiritual, cultural, and diplomatic events on Sunday 15th December.

As is customary before big travels, Pope Francis asked the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to ensure the success of his voyage.

On Saturday afternoon, he went to the Basilica of St Mary Major in Rome to pray in front of the icon of Salus Populi Romani, the Roman people’s defender… Read more »