
The Archbishop reflects: everything starts from peace in the heart

Lenten Reflection 2024

For 2024, the Bishops of Malta and Gozo are proposing that as a country, and as Christians, we ought to reflect on the five gifts of God that Dun Karm Psaila, the national poet, reminds us of in Malta’s national anthem: sound judgement, mercy, health, unity and peace. This reflection is particularly significant as this year, Malta celebrates 60 years of independence and 50 years as a republic… Read more »

The Pope speaks about his beautiful memories with the Gozitans and the Maltese to the President

The President of Malta, George Vella, met with Pope Francis on Thursday in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace.

Their encounter lasted just over an hour, with the Pope and the President exchanging gifts.

Pope Francis gave President Vella a bronze sculpture entitled “Intergenerational Dialogue,” as well as a book of his papal magisterium.

The President reciprocated with six All-in-One PCs destined for the Mother of Mercy Clinic, a medical centre set up in St Peter’s Square that serves people facing financial difficulties… Read more »

Pope’s Vocations Day message: ‘Pilgrims of hope, builders of peace’

Pope Francis releases his message for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, celebrated on April 21, and urges Christians to welcome our shared vocation to sow the seeds of hope and peace in our world.

“Our life finds fulfilment when we discover who we are, what our gifts are, where we can make them bear fruit, and what path we can follow in order to become signs and instruments of love, generous acceptance, beauty, and peace, wherever we find ourselves.”

Pope Francis offered that summary of our Christian vocation in his message for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, which the Church marks on April 21, 2024… Read more »

Sōtēr: A book of traditional community prayers for Lent, Holy Week and Easter

The Archdiocese of Malta launched the publication Sōtēr (Salvatur), which brings together traditional Lent, Holy Week and Easter communal prayers in poetic and artistic form. Through this book, the reader is invited to contemplate the beauty of the Lord’s Passion and the Light of his resurrection through a contemporary lens. The spiritual meditations, with a social accent, include the Veneration of the Cross, Via Matris, Seven Teachings, the Via Crucis and Via Lucis… Read more »

Restoring the dignity of the individual – Week of Sacrifice 2024

The Social Assistance Secretariat (SAS) of the Malta Catholic Action (VO/1743) will be organising the annual Week of Sacrifice once again. This year the Week of Sacrifice will be held between Friday the 22nd of March, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, and Good Friday the 29th of March 2024. By means of this campaign, SAS intends to raise more awareness among the Maltese population of everyone’s responsibility to help those who are in need.  … Read more »

“Love is not superficial; it is also a thorn in one’s flesh” – The Archbishop

Mass on the 5th Sunday of Lent

  Parish Church of St Leonard, Ħal Kirkop

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Is-silta li għadna kemm smajna u li qara Dun Martin Cardona, il-kappillan, tibda propju bil-kurżità ta’ xi Griegi li ma kinux Lhud, ma kellhomx il-fidi tal-poplu Lhudi, kienu pagani imma jisimgħu b’dan ir-raġel li qiegħed jgħallem, ifejjaq, u li jqajjem ukoll lin-nies mill-imwiet. Dan għaliex il-qari li smajna llum mill-Evanġelju ta’ San Ġwann iseħħ wara li Ġesù jqajjem lill-ħabib tiegħu Lazzru mill-imwiet… Read more »

The church needs to eliminate all situations that lead to protection of abusers – The Pope

“Biex infittxu relazzjonijiet aktar umani f’kull soċjetà, inkluża l-Knisja, irridu naħdmu bla waqfien biex niffurmaw individwi maturi u koerenti li, sodi fil-fidi u l-prinċipji etiċi tagħhom, kapaċi jeħduha kontra l-ħażen, u jagħtu xhieda tal-verità b’ittri kapitali”.

Dan affermah il-Papa Franġisku lbieraħ f’messaġġ mibgħut lill-parteċipanti tat-3 Kungress tal-Amerika Latina, li qed jinżamm fil-Panama bejn it-12 u l-14 ta’ Marzu.

Organizzat miċ-Ċentru għall-Protezzjoni tal-Minuri (CEPROME), dan l-avveniment ġabar rappreżentanti tal-Knisja mir-reġjun biex jirriflettu fuq it-tema: “Vulnerabbiltà u abbuż: Lejn viżjoni usa’ tal-prevenzjoni”… Read more »

The Sacred Family chapel in Birżebbuġa to be restored to its original state

Il-Kappella tas-Sagra Familja f’Birżebbuġa se titreġġa’ għall-istat oriġinali tagħha wara li l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar ħarġet permess għal proġett ta’ restawr bi ftehim bejn il-Parroċċa ta’ San Pietru u l-Gvern.

Il-kampnari u l-portiku tal-kappella kienu tneħħew fl-1978 minħabba tħassib dwar is-sigurtà kawża ta’ snin ta’ negliġenza, iżda fl-aħħar snin inħass il-bżonn li jsir dan il-proġett u l-kappella tirritorna għal kif kienet qabel. Ir-restawr, bi pjanijiet ta’ tal-espert fl-Arkitettura Klassika Vincent Centorrino se jagħti mill-ġdid dehra oriġinali lil dan il-bini li ngħata protezzjoni ta’ Grad 1 fl-1992… Read more »

The Archbishop reflects: pulling on the same rope

Lenten Reflection 2024

For 2024, the Bishops of Malta and Gozo are proposing that as a country, and as Christians, we ought to reflect on the five gifts of God that Dun Karm Psaila, the national poet, reminds us of in Malta’s national anthem: sound judgement, mercy, health, unity and peace. This reflection is particularly significant as this year, Malta celebrates 60 years of independence and 50 years as a republic… Read more »