
Churches of Jerusalem reiterate plea for peace in Holy Land

Photo by Laura Siegal on Unsplash

In their annual joint Easter message the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem encouraged the faithful, especially those suffering war in the Holy Land and elsewhere, to fix their gaze on the Resurrection of Jesus which tells us that even in the midst of darkness all death is trampled by His death.

The Easter message of hope 

The Easter message of hope in the resurrection, they said “not only confirms Christ’s triumph over sin and death, but also promises salvation to those who come to our Lord in faith with penitent hearts.”

Referring specifically to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, the Christian leaders of Jerusalem, once again decried all the violent actions targeting innocent civilians and reiterated  their call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire… Read more »

The Archbishop emphasises the key role of Holy Communion ministers within the Church

Archbishop Charles Scicluna expressed his profound gratitude to the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for their unwavering dedication and service within the parishes and broader communities. His acknowledgment came on Holy Thursday, a significant day commemorating Jesus Christ’s institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist during the Last Supper.

In a letter addressed to all ministers responsible for administering Holy Communion within the Archdiocese of Malta, Archbishop Scicluna highlighted the important role these ministers play in the Church… Read more »

Preparing for the upcoming Jubilee

A short course by the Pastoral Formation Institute

The Pastoral Formation Institute is joining the global Church in preparing for the upcoming Jubilee of Hope through a local course named ‘The Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope’.

Through this course, students will discover the biblical origins of the words ‘jubilee’, ‘pilgrimage’, and ‘hope’. With lecturers, Dr Joseph Ciappara and Rev. Gilbert Scicluna, students will explore the origins of these concepts in the sacred scriptures and in the first Christian communities… Read more »


From Thursday, 28th March 2024, the Archbishop’s Curia, including the Marriage Office in Floriana, and the Ecclesiastical Tribunal in Valletta, will be closed for the Easter holidays.

The Archbishop’s Curia, the Marriage Office, the Ecclesiastical Tribunal will reopen on Tuesday, 2nd April 2024. Read more »

Restoration project leads to new information on the Ta’ Ġieżu Via Sagra

14-il pittura tal-Via Sagra, li jinsabu fil-Knisja Santa Marija ta’ Ġesù, magħrufa wkoll bħala tal-Ġieżu, fil-Belt Valletta, ingħataw ħajja ġdida bħala parti minn proġett ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni li sar fuqhom.

Ir-restawr kien mifrux fuq 11-il xahar u wassal biex instabet informazzjoni ġdida dwar din il-Via Sagra, fosthom għax studju li sar fuqha wassal biex ir-restawraturi setgħu jattribwixxu xi pitturi lil Francesco Zahra u Gian Nicola Buhagiar, li huma żewġ artisti prominenti Maltin… Read more »

Holy Week in the Holy Land: Forgiveness is the only way to peace

As Christians enter the holiest part of the year, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem talks to Vatican News about the Easter celebrations in the Holy Land, amidst ongoing violence and conflict, and calls for forgiveness to move towards peace.

Against the backdrop of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, Holy Week will be celebratory but not as festive as usual in the Holy Land… Read more »

The facade of the Ta’ Ġieżu Church in Valletta has been restored

Il-faċċata tal-Knisja tal-Franġiskani ta’ Ġieżu fil-Belt Valletta ġiet irrestawrata u nawgurata sabiex titgawda fis-sbuħija kollha tagħha għal żmien ir-Randan u l-Għid b’interventi li jinkludu x-xogħol ta’ tindif, bdil ta’ ġebel, tikħil u mili tal-fili skont il-bżonn.

Ix-xogħol ta’ restawr fuq il-Knisja beda f’Ottubru tal-2022 fi Triq Sant’Ursula sar b’attenzjoni kbira sabiex ma jkunx hemm ħsara fuq il-ġebla oriġinali. Ix-xogħol beda bit-tneħħija taż-żebgħa, kisi bis-siment u tikħil fuq il-faċċata… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations led by the Archbishop during Holy Week

Archbishop Charles Scicluna invites Christians to participate in the Holy Week functions during which the Catholic Church commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. During these holy days, the Archbishop will preside over the celebrations at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta. These celebrations will be broadcast live on TVM, TVMNews+, radio station RTK103, and

Next Sunday, 24th March, at 9:30am, the Archbishop will lead the Palm Sunday celebration, which includes the blessing of olive branches and palm fronds, followed by the commemoration of the Lord’s Passion through the reading of the account of the passion… Read more »