
Pope at Angelus: Don’t distance yourself from Christ’s joy

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel tells us about Jesus who sends His disciples on the mission (cf. Mk 6:7-13). He sends them “two by two”, and recommends something important: to take with them only what is necessary.

Let us pause a moment on this image: the disciples are sent together, and must take with them only what is necessary… Read more »

Oħloq Tbissima – 22 years helping Maltese missionaries

Il-Ġimgħa waranofsinhar, 12 ta’ Lulju 2024, se tibda t-22 edizzjoni tal-maratona ta’ xandir Oħloq Tbissima, li se tibqa’ għaddejja sal-Ħadd, 14 ta’ Lulju 2024, fuq diversi stazzjonijiet lokali tat-televixin.

Din hi 22 sena ta’ għajnuna lill-missjunarji Maltin li għal ħafna snin ilhom jaħdmu mal-familji fqar fil-Perù, Pakistan u l-Filippini.  Familji li li kieku ma kienx għal dawn il-patrijiet qalbiena, tkun diffiċli ħafna għalihom biex jgħixu b’dinjità. Diffiċli biex jieħdu kura medika, biex jibgħatu lit-tfal tagħhom l-iskola, u biex ikollhom almenu ikla kuljum… Read more »

Emphasis on women and accountability in document for second Synod session

The Synod on Synodality

How to be a missionary synodal Church? That’s the question at the heart of the Instrumentum laboris (IL) for the upcoming session of the Synod of Bishops, which will take place from October 2 to 27.

It will be the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly, following the one in 2023. The IL – published today, Tuesday, July 9, and presented at the Holy See Press Office – does not offer any “pre-packaged answers” but rather “indications and proposals”… Read more »

Live-in for SDC Candidates

The live-in for SDC Candidates took place between the 27-30 June 2024 in Għarb, Gozo. These days provided an experience where the Candidates had the chance to interact for a few days together in the SDC spirit. Despite the fact that the Candidates come from different Centres in Malta and Gozo, these days help them to get to know each other better and above all to learn from each other both in formal moments and social times… Read more »

Over 1,000 people complete courses by the PFI

New courses launched for 2025

The Pastoral formation Institute concluded another academic year with a Thanksgiving Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi in June. Over the past year 1,052 participants attended the 28 courses offered by the Institute. Following the Mass, a reception was held where the prospectus for the 2024/2025 academic year, themed ‘Training Towards Mission,’ was launched. This upcoming year, the Institute is introducing several new courses, including ‘Introduction to AI in Pastoral Contexts: Tools and Practices,’ ‘Introduction to the Holy Scriptures,’ and ‘Living Beyond Sunday.’

The mission of the Pastoral formation Institute is to empower Christians to fulfill their calling in the world and in the Church… Read more »

COMECE calls on EU to prioritise family values in digital age

In response to the rapid digital transformation impacting European societies, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) has released a comprehensive contribution of its consultative body, Youth Net, stressing the importance of EU policies that better support families in the digital age to reduce the negative effects of the new media on younger generations.

Digital Challenges for Families in Europe

The document, entitled “Digital Challenges for Families in Europe”, addresses the dual nature of the digital revolution pointing to both the benefits and risks of enhanced connectivity and, therefore, to the need for EU policymakers to ensure that technological advances reinforce family values and and harmonise with the Christian ethos… Read more »

Patriarchate of Jerusalem decries raid on Catholic school in Gaza

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has strongly condemned a raid launched by Israeli forces against its Holy Family School in Gaza City on Sunday morning, which reportedly killed at least four people.   

Four victims reported

The air strike targeted two classrooms on the ground floor of the school sheltering a large number of displaced Palestinian families.  Among those killed was a senior Hamas administration official, Ihab al-Ghusain, the group’s deputy labour minister… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Catholics called to heal ‘wounded heart’ of democracy

Pope Francis delivers the concluding address of the 50th Italian Catholic Social Week in Trieste

  Unity of Italy Square, Trieste

Xtaqt nirringrazzja lill-Arċisqof għal ħafna raġunijiet, imma fuq kollox għal waħda: li ma tkellimx dwar ‘il-morda’… Semmiehom! Jafhom b’isimhom! Dan hu eżempju, għax il-karità hi konkreta, l-imħabba hi konkreta. Irrodd ħajr kbir lill-Arċisqof għal din id-drawwa. Kull persuna, f’saħħitha jew marida, kbira jew żgħira, kull persuna għandha d-dinjità.

Id-dinjità tidher fl-isem u huwa jaf l-isem. Sabiħ ħafna. Issa nawgura li din id-drawwa tibqa’ għax darba sibt kappillan ta’ parroċċa fuq il-muntanja – kellu tliet villaġġi – u għidtlu: “Imma kif jirnexxilek tiftakar l-ismijiet tan-nies kollha? … Read more »

A look of merciful love – Bishop Joseph Galea‑Curmi

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

L-omelija tal-Isqof Joseph Galea-Curmi

“Ħares lejn Mattew bi mħabba ħanina u għażlu”. Dan hu l-kliem tal-Venerabbli Beda meta jikkummenta fuq ix-xena tal-Evanġelju tas-sejħa ta’ Mattew. Il-Papa Franġisku jgħid li dejjem laqtitu din l-espressjoni tal-Venerabbli Beda, u fil-fatt għażilha bħala motto tiegħu: “miserando atque eligendo”.

Ħa nħarsu lejn Ġesù. Il-Papa jgħid hekk: “Fih kollox jitkellem dwar il-ħniena. M’hemm xejn fih li m’għandux ħniena…… Read more »

Jubilee 2025: Over 330,000 people visited ‘Dalì’s Christ’ in Rome

  Church of San Marcello al Corso, Rome

The exhibition “Dalì’s Christ in Rome” has been hailed as a resounding success, with 330,000 visitors present in just over 40 days of the event which took place at the Church of San Marcello al Corso in Rome. From 13 May to 24 June 2024, churchgoers and tourists alike were able to admire the famous painting by Salvador Dalì, “Christ of Saint John of the Cross” (1951), which is housed in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, Scotland, with free admission… Read more »