
Ceremony of new candidates at the MUSEUM branch in Kenya

On Sunday 21 July 2024, the SDC Centre of Ruiru (Kenya) celebrated the Ceremony of Candidates of Thomas Njuguna and Jacob Mukhamia. Superior General Roberto Zammit who is currently on an official visit to this SDC Centre was present for this important event. Pio Farrugia shared a reflection about the significance of this ceremony. The good number of Religious, parents, members of the St. George Preca Group and many children and young people who attended this occasion was encouraging… Read more »

Pope Francis is going to see the rain of roses in Santa Maria Maggiore

Photo: Vatican News

Il-Papa Franġisku se jattendi għaċ-ċerimonja tat-tfigħ tal-petali tal-ward abjad fil-Bażilika ta’ Santa Maria Maggiore fil-5 ta’ Awwissu.

Kull sena f’dik il-ġurnata l-Knisja Kattolika tiċċelebra lil “Sidtna Marija tas-Silġ”, devozzjoni Marjana marbuta ma’ din il-Bażilika li ilha ġejja mis-snin bikrin tal-Knisja.

Il-Papa se jieħu sehem fl-Għasar li jibda fil-5.30pm u jkun preżenti għat-tifkira tal-“Miraklu tas-Silġ”.

Mirakolużament, fis-seklu 4, fl-eqqel tas-sajf Ruman, fil-5 ta’ Awwissu kienet għamlet xita ta’ borra u silġ fuq l-Għolja Eskwilina, il-post futur tal-bażilika… Read more »

Volleyball marathon raises €466,688 in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza

Photo: Bernard Cachia

The BOV Volleyball Marathon ended at midnight Sunday but not before raising the sum of €466,688. 40 players went through 53 hours of volleyball in searing hot weather. It officially started at six in the evening on Friday in the presence of the President of Malta, Dr Myriam Spiteri Debono and continued non-stop since then.

Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, thanked the people of Malta and Gozo, that once again responded with so much generosity to the call for fundraising for the Home through the Volleyball Marathon… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Compassion and rest go hand in hand

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

The Gospel of today’s liturgy (Mk 6:30-34) tells us that the apostles gather around Jesus after returning from their mission. They tell Him what they have accomplished. He then says to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (v. 31). However, the people understand where they are headed and, when they get off the boat, Jesus finds the crowd waiting for Him… Read more »

The BOV Volleyball Marathon in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza gets underway

On Friday 19 July 2024, H.E. Dr Myriam Spiteri Debono, officially inaugurated the 14th edition of the BOV Volleyball Marathon in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza. Forty players, selected from a total of seventy applicants, started the challenge of fifty-three hours of non-stop volleyball for a noble cause.

In his welcome speech, Fr Martin Micallef while greeting the President of Malta, on her first visit to Dar tal-Providenza, said that the commitment of the players and volunteers sends a positive message to Maltese society that it is rewarding to give.  He added that it is wonderful to see young people filled with a great sense of generosity and altruism, who are ready to commit themselves in favour of initiatives in favour of people who need some kind of support, solidarity, or help… Read more »

From Caritas to starting the Nazareth Foundation in his home: Dun Anġ’s story

This year Rev. Anġ Seychell turned 91 years old and Newsbook Malta visited him to find out more about his work with Caritas, the Clergy House, and the Nazareth Foundation for people with disabilities, which he established in his own home.

In a bed surrounded by hundreds of large books, next to the office he used in his home in Żejtun, Dun Anġ spoke to us about his life and what books mean to him… Read more »

“I didn’t enter religious life to be comfortable” – Sr Annie Catania

Ta’ 84 sena, Sister Annie Catania qed tkompli bil-ħidma tagħha qalb il-foqra u l-morda fil-Filippini. Ma’ qasmet uħud mill-esperjenzi tagħha filwaqt li tgħid li ħajjitha hija l-missjoni.

Minn mindu kienet żgħira, Sister Annie Catania kienet tiġbor għall-Missjoni. Meta daħlet fil-ħajja reliġjuża kompliet tiġbor u saħansitra għamlet madwar 20 sena fil-Moviment Missjunarju fejn għal żmien twil kienet il-President ta’ din l-għaqda li kienet impenjata biex jinġabar ikel u bżonnijiet li kienu jitwasslu fl-artijiet tal-missjoni, fosthom l-Eġittu, fejn Sister Annie u l-voluntiera kienu jaħdmu mal-lebbrużi… Read more »

Pope Francis: Let your youth be a gift for Jesus

  Asunción, Paraguay

In a message to a gathering of youth ministers in Paraguay, Pope Francis calls on young faithful to let Christ transform them, and to live their youth “as a gift for Jesus” and the world.

“Let Christ transform your natural optimism into authentic love; a love that knows how to sacrifice, that is sincere, real and genuine, so that your youth will be a gift for Jesus and for the world and you will be able to spend your life in a worthy and fruitful way.”

This was the encouragement Pope Francis sent to the XXI Latam Meeting of Caribbean and Latin American national youth ministry leaders, gathered in Asunción, Paraguay, July 15-20… Read more »

Pope urges religious to pray for vocations

Pope Francis met Monday morning with members of six religious congregations – Minims, Clerics Regular Minor, Augustinian Sisters of Divine Love, Clerics of Saint Viator, Reparatrix Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Missionary Sisters of Saint Anthony Mary Claret – who are in Rome for General or Provincial Chapters.

At the beginning of the encounter, the Holy Father asked them how many novices they have – and warned them that, without “children,” their orders will die… Read more »

170km by bike from Pozzallo to Ortigia in aid of Caritas Malta

Caritas Malta bħalissa għaddejja bil-kampanja ta’ 3rd party events, fejn individwi, kumpaniji, jew gruppi, eċċ… javviċinaw lil Caritas b’xi attività li jkunu se jagħmlu u b’hekk jinġabru fondi b’risq din l-entità.

Dawn il-fondi jkunu ferm ta’ sostenn għall-ħidma ta’ Caritas Malta fejn minbarra s-servizzi bi djar terapewtiċi residenzjali kontra l-abbuż ta’ droga, Caritas Malta toffri servizzi psiko-soċjali miċ-ċentru fil-komunità, il-Ħamrun, (Caritas Community Centre), liema servizzi huma kollha mingħajr ħlas… Read more »