
Malta’s cost of living: Caritas sets minimum threshold for families at €19,153 annually

Caritas Malta has released new data outlining the minimum income required for a family to maintain a ‘decent life’ in Malta. According to the latest figures, a family of four – comprising two adults and two children – needs at least €19,153 per year to cover basic living expenses.

The fourth edition of the Minimum Essential Budget for a Decent Living (MEBDL) for 2024 provides crucial insights into the financial requirements for various household types to maintain a basic standard of living… Read more »

ACTS Teens Boot Camp 2024: WANTED

Around 180 participants attend the annual 4-day live-in

Last week, ACTS Teens, a segment of Youth Fellowship, hosted its annual Boot Camp at St. Paul’s Missionary College in Rabat. This 4-day live-in, designed for teens aged 13-17, brought together nearly 180 participants, guided by a team of 60 youth leaders.

This year’s camp embraced a Wild West theme under the slogan ‘Wanted,’ symbolizing God’s desire to know and love each individual, drawing them closer to His heart… Read more »

Church entities demand immediate release of detained Ethiopian nationals

Fr Anton D’Amato, Director Migrants Commission

The Ethiopian nationals who are being detained and facing deportation after having lived and worked legally in Malta for years should be released immediately, the Migrants Commission, the Justice and Peace Commission and JRS Malta urged the authorities.

The two commissions, which form part of the Archdiocese of Malta, and JRS Malta are wholeheartedly condemning the recent arrest of several Ethiopian nationals, who were rounded up, detained and told they will be sent back to Ethiopia… Read more »

Pope urges Bishops to keep hope alive amidst escalating Middle East tension

Pope Francis on Wednesday again expressed his deep concern over the intensifying tensions in the Middle East, warning how these often escalate into open conflicts and war.

His words came as Palestinian officials said that at least nine people were killed in Israeli raids across the occupied West Bank on Wednesday and observers express fears of a wider war.

Addressing participants of the Latin Episcopal Conference of the Arabic Regions (CELRA) who are meeting in Rome for their plenary assembly, in his prepared remarks the Pope warned that “the conflict, instead of finding a fair solution, seems to be becoming chronic, with the risk of spreading and igniting the entire region.”

“The conflict [in the Holy Land], instead of finding a fair solution, seems to be becoming chronic, with the risk of spreading and igniting the entire region.”

The situation, the Holy Father noted, has resulted in countless deaths, massive destruction, and widespread suffering, fostering sentiments of hatred and resentment that could lead to future tragedies… Read more »

Polish candidates visiting the SDC in Malta

On Sunday 25th August 2024, Marcel and Antoni, two Candidates from the SDC Centre of Poznań (Poland), started a two-week visit in Malta where they will be meeting with Members and Candidates in the Delegation of Malta.  During their visit, they shall visit the SDC General House and various Centres around the country. May this visit help them grow more in their understanding and love towards the SDC vocation! … Read more »

Pope at Audience: World must heed cries of migrants dying in deserts and seas

  Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today, I will postpone the usual catechesis and I would like to pause with you to think about the people who – even at this moment – are crossing seas and deserts to reach a land where they can live in peace and safety.

Sea and desert: these two words return in many testimonies I receive, both on the part of migrants, and of people who are engaged in coming to their aid… Read more »

“The majority of people are unaware of the true scale of homelessness.” – Keyne

Teens volunteer in new initiative with Loop

Keyne Mascari u Elise Caligari qed iqattgħu ħafna mill-ħin tagħhom ma’ persuni li jinsabu waħedhom, jew jeħtieġu xi forma ta’ għajnuna, fosthom dawk li m’għandhomx saqaf fuq rashom u għaldaqstant jorqdu barra.

Elise qalet li matul is-sajf tas-sena li għaddiet kellha l-opportunità biex tgħin social worker li tagħmel parti mit-tim tad-Djakonija. Djakonija hija inizjattiva tal-Knisja f’Malta li fi kliem Keyne, “tgħin familji fil-bżonn u jkunu komunità.”

Il-mument li rat realtajiet li ħafna ma jarawx, Elise ġiet konxja mill-bżonn ta’ iktar persuni li jiddedikaw il-ħin tagħhom għall-oħrajn… Read more »

ŻAK Kamp Sajf 2024: Biż-żejjed, biżżejjed?

Between the 5th and 11th of August, more than 100 youths participated in the annual event ‘Kamp Sajf’ organised by the youth organisation ŻAK at St Thomas More College, in Santa Luċija. Entitled “Biż-żejjed, biżżejjed?”, this year the camp tackled the theme of the increasing lack of contentment in the face of an abundance of opportunities, experiences and material things that the world offers.

During Kamp Sajf, the members reflected on the way society is losing itself in superficiality and materialism… Read more »

“Faith is a choice” – The Archbishop

Mass on the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

  Marija Bambina Parish Church, Naxxar

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Matul il-Ħdud li għaddew smajna l-kapitlu 6 ta’ San Ġwann, u illum nisimgħu l-aħħar versi tiegħu. F’dan il-kapitlu Ġesù tkellem fuqu nnifsu bħala “il-ħobż li niżel mis-sema” (Ġw 6:58). Kienet xi ħaġa diffiċli ħafna biex il-Lhud ta’ żmienu jifhmuha u jilqgħuha, meta mbagħad insista li hu se jagħti lilu nnifsu għalina fl-Ewkaristija fil-ġisem u d-demm tiegħu. Meta semgħuh jgħid li ġismu hu ikel tassew u demmu hu xorb, tassew tfixklu… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Seek and remain in the Lord for fullness of life

  Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel of the liturgy (Jn 6:60-69) relates to us the famous response of Saint Peter, who says to Jesus: “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (Jn 6:68). It is a very beautiful expression that gives witness to the friendship and manifests the trust that bind him to Christ, along with the other disciples… Read more »