
Working together for the common good especially for those mostly in need – The Archbishop at the opening of Alberto Marvelli residence

Alberto Marvelli residence will host homeless youths

  Alberto Marvelli Residence, Paola

Ir-residenza Alberto Marvelli hi dar biex żgħażagħ bla dar ikunu jistgħu jgħixu fil-komunità b’mod indipendenti filwaqt li jingħataw l-appoġġ meħtieġ. Din id-dar, li tinsab Raħal Ġdid, ġiet inawgurata u mbierka mill-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, fil-preżenza tal-Ministru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali Michael Falzon, nhar is-Sibt 25 ta’ Jannar 2020.

Żgħażagħ bla dar se jkunu jistgħu joqogħdu temporanjament f’din id-dar waqt li jingħataw l-għajnuna biex isiru totalment indipendenti… Read more »

Renewing our appreciation of liturgical symbolism

A short course of 10 sessions by the Faculty of Theology and the Liturgy Secretariat

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Il-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija flimkien mas-Segretarjat għal-Liturġija ser torganizza kors qasir ta’ 10 laqgħat dwar is-simboli li nużaw fil-liturġija, fil-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana. Il-kors maħsub li joffri formazzjoni liturġika lil dawk li jaqdu xi ministeru liturġiku fil-knejjes tagħna.

Il-kors jibda b’talb qasira fil-kappella u wara titkompla t-taħdita fir-rifettorju. Il-kors jibda fis-6pm u jdum sagħtejn. Min jattendi jingħata ċertifikat ta’ attendenza maħruġ mill-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija u s-Segretarjat għal-Liturġija… Read more »

Watch: The launch of the Maltese translation of the Apostolic Exhortation ‘Verbum Domini’

The Archbishop presents the Apostolic Exhortation in preparation for Sunday of the Word of God

  Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni (ĊAK), Birkirkara

L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna nieda t-traduzzjoni bil-Malti ta’ Verbum Domini (Il‑Kelma tal‑Mulej), li hi l‑Eżortazzjoni Appostolika tal‑Papa Benedittu XVI tal-2010, nhar l‑Erbgħa, 22 ta’ Jannar 2020, fiċ‑Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni (ĊAK), Birkirkara.

It-tnedija ta’ din il-publikazzjoni saret fl-okkażjoni tal-Ħadd tal-Kelma ta’ Alla, li waqqaf il-Papa Franġisku u li ser tiġi ċċelebrata għall-ewwel darba nhar il-Ħadd li ġej, fit‑tielet Ħadd taż‑Żmien ta’ Matul is‑Sena… Read more »

Life becomes history – Pope Francis for the 54th World Communications Day

Published on the Feast day of St Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and journalists

Message by Pope Francis

That you may tell your children and grandchildren (Ex 10:2)

I would like to devote this year’s Message to the theme of storytelling, because I believe that, so as not to lose our bearings, we need to make our own the truth contained in good stories. Stories that build up, not tear down; stories that help us rediscover our roots and the strength needed to move forward together… Read more »

Pope Francis urges the faithful to be like the people of Malta

Pope Francis dedicated his catechesis at the General Audience to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Il-Katekeżi tal-Papa

Għeżież ħuti, l-għodwa t-tajba!

Il-katekeżi tal-lum hija intonata mal-Ġimgħa ta’ Talb għall-Għaqda bejn l-Insara. It-tema ta’ din is-sena, li hi dik tal-ospitalità, ġie żviluppata mill-komunitajiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex, fuq is-silta tal-Atti tal-Appostli li tirrakkonta l-ospitalità li n-nies ta’ Malta wrew ma’ San Pawl u sħabu tal-vjaġġ, li spiċċaw nawfragati flimkien miegħu. Proprju għal dan l-episjodu rriferejt xahrejn ilu.

Ejjew mela nerġgħu lura għall-esperjenza drammatika ta’ dak in-nawfraġju… Read more »

Sunday of the Word of God: making the Scriptures part of our everyday lives

A press conference in the Vatican details the many aspects of the newly established ‘Sunday of the Word of God’ to be marked on 26 January. Pope Francis will celebrated Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica for the occasion.

Pope Francis is inviting Catholics across the world to deepen their appreciation, love and faithful witness to God and his Word.

That’s why, as established by a papal decree – the third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 26 this year, is to be observed as a special day devoted to “the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God”… Read more »

The Auxiliary Bishop meets with Seminary students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation

  The Archbishop's Seminary, Tal-Virtù

The Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi celebrated mass for the Archbishop’s Seminary students who had received the Sacrament of Confirmation the previous November on Saturday the 11th January 2020. The parents and godparents were also invited to this celebration.

During mass, the Bishop encouraged students to continue taking care of their spiritual formation by joining groups whose aims are to strengthen one’s faith… Read more »

Launching of the Maltese translation of the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation ‘Verbum Domini’

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta ser tniedi l‑pubblikazzjoni bil‑Malti ta’ Verbum Domini (Il‑Kelma tal‑Mulej), li hi l‑Eżortazzjoni Appostolika tal‑Papa Benedittu XVI tat‑30 ta’ Settembru 2010.

Il‑preżentazzjoni li hija miftuħa għall‑pubbliku ser issir nhar l‑Erbgħa, 22 ta’ Jannar 2020, fil‑5:30pm, fiċ‑Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni (ĊAK), Birkirkara. Il‑pubblikazzjoni ser tiġi ppreżentata mill‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna.

Din l‑Eżortazzjoni Appostolika hi frott tal‑Assemblea Ġenerali Ordinarja tas‑Sinodu tal‑Isqfijiet li saret f’Ruma bejn il‑5 u s‑26 ta’ Ottubru 2008… Read more »

We must not ignore the voice of people in the Holy Land

Statement by the bishops who were in the pilgrimage of solidarity of the Holy Land Coordination who visited the Christians of Gaza, Ramallah and East Jerusalem

Every year we come to encounter and hear the people of the Holy Land. We are inspired by their enduring resilience and faith in a worsening situation.

In their recent powerful message, the local Catholic Bishops lamented the international community’s failure to help realise justice and peace here in the place of Christ’s birth.[1] Our governments must do more to meet their responsibilities for upholding international law and protecting human dignity… Read more »