
Mass for Youth – 16th May, 7pm

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Qari u kant tal-Quddiesa

Ċelebrant: Fr Brendan Gatt
Animazzjoni: The New Victorians

♫ Bless the Lord O my soul ♫ 

O my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I’ll worship Your Holy name

The sun comes up
It’s a new day dawning
It’s time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass
And whatever lies before me
Let me be singing
When the evening comes

You’re rich in love
And You’re slow to anger
Your name is great
And Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness
I will keep on singing

Ten thousand reasons
For my heart to find

And on that day
When my strength is failing
The end draws near
And my time has come
Still my soul will
Sing Your praise unending

Ten thousand years
And then forevermore

Qari I

Qiegħdu idejhom fuqhom, u huma rċevew l-Ispirtu s-Santu… Read more »

Time for the EU to take a stand for the rights of the elderly

Up to half of the people who died of Covid-19 in Europe are elderly people and many of them were residents of long-term care facilities. “It is time to stop the ‘culture of waste’ and focus on more public policies supporting families”, states the General Secretary of COMECE on Wednesday 13 May 2020.

In the current pandemic, elderly people represent the most vulnerable part of our societies… Read more »

Pope Francis in General Audience: ‘Prayers belong to people of all religions, and probably even to those who do not profess to any’

  The Vatican

At the Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis considered several of the core aspects of prayer.

He said prayer is common to all people, no matter what their religion, and “probably even to those who profess no religion.”

The Pope recently demonstrated the universality of prayer. He has invited people of all religions to take part in a day of prayer on Thursday, 14 May, to implore God for an end to the coronavirus pandemic… Read more »

The Archbishop visits the ‘Solidarity Meals’ kitchen

700 meals distributed daily from parishes


L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna llum żar il-kċina ta’ ristorant fis-Salini fejn qed jiġu ppreparati madwar 700 ikla sħuna kuljum għall-persuni vulnerabbli, bħala parti mill-proġett ‘Solidarity Meals’. Dawn l-ikliet huma sponsorjati minn The Alfred Mizzi Foundation u jitqassmu mill-entità tal-Knisja Caritas Malta permezz tad-Djakonija Unit li taħdem id f’id mal-parroċċi u ma’ entitajiet oħra tal-Knisja li joffru servizz fil-komunità.

Waqt iż-żjara l-Arċisqof iddawwar mal-istabbiliment minn Julian Sammut, iċ-Chairperson ta’ The Alfred Mizzi Foundation, u kien akkumpanjat minn Anthony Gatt, Direttur ta’ Caritas Malta; u Albert Debono, il-Kap tad-Djakonija Unit u l-Kordinatur ta’ dan il-proġett… Read more »

Vatican provides pastoral guidelines to help internally displaced persons

A displaced Yemeni woman prepares food inside a temporary shelter at a camp for internally displaced persons on the outskirts of Sana’a  (ANSA)

The Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development provides new guidelines for responding to the challenges of assisting internally displaced persons.

The Vatican on Tuesday presented guidelines for the Church’s response to the situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs)… Read more »

Pope at Mass prays for those who have lost their jobs

  The Vatican

Pope Francis turns his thoughts during morning Mass to those who are suffering because they have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and reflects on how God has sent the Holy Spirit to accompany and sustain us throughout our lives.

Pope Francis presided over Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on the Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter. During his introduction he said that at this time his thoughts go to the unemployed… Read more »

Mass for Youth – 9 May, 7pm

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Qari u kant tal-Quddiesa

Ċelebrant: Fr Brendan Gatt
Animazzjoni: The New Victorians

♫ Rise ♫

Your love will never fail,
You’re steadfast

Your promises are true,
You’re faithful

You cover all my sins
with forgiveness

My eyes have seen Your Ways,
Your goodness

Love and faithfulness meet
We behold Your glory
Righteousness and peace kiss
Heaven’s all around us

Spring up, Oh Well,
living water rise within us

Spring up, Oh Well,
Holy Spirit deep within us

Heaven is all around us
Heaven is all around us

Qari I

Għażlu sebat irġiel mimlijin bl-Ispirtu s-Santu… Read more »

Archbishop’s Vlog: Mother’s Day in ‘the sweet month of May’

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Fuq xewqa tal‑Arċisqof, il‑Quddies ta’ għada l‑Ħadd 10 ta’ Mejju, Jum l‑Omm, se jixxandar minn santwarju Marjan – is‑santwarju nazzjonali tal‑Madonna tal‑Mellieħa. Hemmhekk, l‑Arċisqof ser jitlob għall‑ommijiet kollha, b’mod speċjali dawk li għaddejjin minn żmien diffiċli, u wkoll għal dawk li jixtiequ jsiru ommijiet.

Il‑Quddiesa bil‑Malti fid‑9:30am se tixxandar fuq TVM2, il-paġna ta’ Facebook u l-YouTube Channel tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta fis-6:30pm fuq TVM2… Read more »