
Retreat for young SDC candidates – “Do not say, ‘I am too young'”

Over the weekend, thirteen SDC Candidates attended a retreat at the Dar il-Ħanin Samaritan Conference Centre. Led by Fr. Brendan Gatt, the retreat centred on the theme “Do not say, ‘I am too young’” (Jer 1:7). The participants engaged in reflections on God’s call and our response to it, exploring faith, commitment, and the mission God entrusts to each of us. The retreat provided time for both personal and communal prayer and reflection… Read more »

Synodality: A conversion aimed at becoming more missionary

Pope Francis with all the Synod participants at the conclusion of the work of the General Assembly  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

The Final Document, adopted today after each of its 155 paragraphs were approved, has been published, and will not become the basis of an Exhortation by the Pope, who has decided that it should be released immediately in order to inspire the life of the Church… Read more »

Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem marks 25 years of inspiring hope and change for Malta’s homeless

Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, stabbilita mill-Kapuċċini fl-1999, illum is-Sibt 26 ta’ Ottubru bi kburija qed tfakkar il-25 anniversarju tagħha, filwaqt li tirrifletti fuq kwart ta’ seklu ta’ servizz iddedikat lill-individwi li qed jesperjenzaw sitwazzjoni li waslithom bla dar f’Malta.

Iggwidata mill-valuri ewlenin tal-kompassjoni, id-dinjità, u l-appoġġ għall-emarġinati, il-Fondazzjoni mhux biss ipprovdiet kenn iżda ħadmet ukoll bla heda biex terġa’ tagħti t-tama u d-dinjità lil dawk fil-bżonn… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Turn to Jesus with faith and hope

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, good Sunday!

Today the Gospel of the liturgy (Mk 10:46-52) tells us about Jesus who cures a man from blindness. His name is Bartimaeus, but the crowd in the street ignore him: he is a poor beggar. Those people do not have eyes for the blind man; they leave him, they ignore him. No caring gaze, no feeling of compassion… Read more »

‘He Loved Us’: Pope Francis’ new encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“‘He loved us’, Saint Paul says of Christ (cf. Rom 8:37), in order to make us realize that nothing can ever “separate us” from that love (Rom 8:39)”: Thus begins Pope Francis’ fourth Encyclical, which takes its title from the opening words, Dilexit nos.

The Encyclical is dedicated to the human and divine love of the Heart of Jesus Christ: “His open heart has gone before us and waits for us, unconditionally, asking only to offer us His love and friendship,” the Pope writes in the introductory paragraph… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: Invite Holy Spirit to protect your marriage and children

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Last time we explained what we proclaim about the Holy Spirit in the Creed. The reflection of the Church, however, did not stop at that brief profession of faith. It continued, both in the East and in the West, by the work of the great Fathers and Doctors. Today, in particular, we would like to gather a few crumbs of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit developed in the Latin tradition, to see how it enlightens all of Christian life and the sacrament of marriage in particular… Read more »

Activities organised at St Paul’s Missionary College during missionary month

During October, a month dedicated to missions, St Paul’s Missionary College especially lives this theme. During the preparatory week for World Mission Day on Sunday 20th October, various activities were organised for students and staff.

Both schools gathered for mass where they listened to staff members and members of MSSP talk about the missionary experiences they went on last summer. Secondary school students had the opportunity to meet several MSSP brothers online, living at the International Formation House in the Philippines… Read more »

‘Dilexit nos’: Pope to publish encyclical on Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Dilexit nos” (He Loved Us) will be Pope Francis’ fourth encyclical, and it comes at a time of profound global challenges.

The world today is scarred by war, social and economic imbalances, rampant consumerism, and technologies that threaten to undermine human nature.

With this document, Pope Francis will call for a change of perspective, urging humanity to rediscover what is most essential: the heart… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Missionary proclamation invites all to a joyful encounter with the Lord

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Before the conclusion of this Eucharistic celebration, I thank all of you who have come to honour the new Saints. I greet the Cardinals, the bishops, the consecrated men and women, especially the Friars Minor and the Maronite faithful, the Consolata Missionaries, the Little Sisters of the Holy Family and the Oblates of the Holy Spirit, as well as the other groups of pilgrims who have come from various places… Read more »

15 volunteers share inspiring stories from mission and volunteer work in 2024

World Mission Day 2024

World Mission Sunday, established 98 years ago by Pope Pius XI, is a universal day of prayer and reflection for Catholic missions, reaffirming the Church’s dedication to the universal mission of evangelisation. Pope Francis’ message for 2024 World Mission Sunday is centred on the Gospel of Matthew: “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet,” encouraging us to be a part of the call to invite everyone to experience the joy of Christ… Read more »