
Pope at Angelus: Jesus is light that opens us to God’s love

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

On this fourth Sunday of Lent, the Eucharistic liturgy begins with this invitation: “Rejoice, Jerusalem…”. (see Is 66:10). What is the reason for this joy? In the middle of Lent, what is the reason for this joy? Today’s Gospel tells us: God “so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16)… Read more »

New agreement reached between the Faculty of Theology and the Archdiocese of Malta

An agreement has been signed between the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta and the Archdiocese of Malta providing for a house located at the entrance of the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù, Rabat, to be used as a residence for student-priests from developing countries.

The two-storey house is currently being completely refurbished. It will be able to host up to five priests who would be reading for a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology at the Faculty of Theology in Malta… Read more »

Syria: UNICEF highlights plight of children after a decade of conflict

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports that ten years of humanitarian crisis and hostilities in Syria have had a profound effect on the situation of most of the children in the country.

A recent statement from UNICEF notes that about 90 percent of children are in need of humanitarian assistance – a figure that represents a 20 percent increase in the past year alone… Read more »

Directives from 11th March till 11th April 2021

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed tippubblika direttivi li jidħlu mis‑seħħ mil‑lum il‑Ħamis, 11 ta’ Marzu sal‑Ħadd, 11 ta’ April 2021. Dan wara li lbieraħ filgħaxija tħabbar li fis‑sitwazzjoni preżenti l‑Knisja qed twaqqaf il‑funzjonijiet reliġjużi biex tiġi mħarsa s‑saħħa tal‑poplu.

Id‑direttivi l‑ġodda jistabilixxu li l‑knejjes jistgħu jiftħu għall‑qima tal‑pubbliku għalkemm mhux permess li jsir quddies jew xi attività reliġjuża oħra bil‑preżenza tan‑nies. Jistgħu jsiru biss funerali u żwiġijiet b’numru ristrett ta’ nies waqt li jitħarsu l‑miżuri kollha stipulati għall‑quddies… Read more »

Urgent school vaccination roll-out needed

Situation causing unnecessary stress and tension in some schools

While welcoming the strong drive towards COVID-19 vaccination for school staff members which is currently underway, the Secretariat for Catholic Education and the Church Schools Association call for greater urgency and a more balanced vaccination roll-out amongst staff in all schools (State, Church and independent schools). 

This follows reports that a number of Church schools have still not received any appointments for vaccinations for staff members… Read more »

Preventive measures during Holy Week

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed tippubblika direttivi ġodda għall‑jiem ta’ qabel u waqt il‑Ġimgħa Mqaddsa ta’ din is‑sena. Dawn il‑miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni kontra l‑imxija tal‑Covid‑19 qed jiġu ppubblikati wara li bħal‑lum xahar il‑Knisja ħabbret li f’Malta u Għawdex mhux ser jiġu organizzati pellegrinaġġi u purċissjonijiet tar‑Randan, u wara li nhar il‑Ġimgħa li għadda ġew sospiżi l‑laqgħat tal‑gruppi li jsiru b’mod fiżiku.

Il‑miżuri l‑ġodda ppubblikati llum jistabbilixxu li fil‑knejjes jistgħu jintramaw biss ix‑xbihat qaddisa tar‑Redentur, tal‑Vara l‑Kbira (jew Kurċifiss) u tal‑Madonna tad‑Duluri… Read more »

Pope urges Abrahamic religions to pursue path of peace in Iraq

On the second day of his Apostolic Journey to Iraq, Pope Francis traveled to Ur of the Chaldeans, the birthplace of the three major religions—Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

His meeting there was billed as the highpoint of his efforts to promote interreligious dialogue and fraternity in the Middle Eastern nation.

“This blessed place brings us back to our origins, to the sources of God’s work, to the birth of our religions,” the Pope said in his speech to representatives of the three Abrahamic religionsRead more »

Pope to Iraqi clergy, religious: Violence and hate are incompatible with religion

In 2010, 48 worshippers including women and children, and two young priests were killed in a terrorist attack at the Syro-Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad.

More than ten years on from that horrific event, Pope Francis came to this place of worship on Friday, the first day of his Apostolic Visit to Iraq.

There he met with bishops, clergy, religious, seminarians, catechists and lay leaders, noting that they were “gathered in this Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation, hallowed by the blood of our brothers and sisters who here paid the ultimate price of their fidelity to the Lord and His Church.”

Virus of discouragement

Addressing those present, the Pope told them never to lock down their apostolic zeal in the face of daily challenges, especially during this time of pandemic… Read more »