
St Ġorġ Preca and the true Christmas spirit

Baby Jesus Procession in Żejtun on the 24th of December 1959

In the early days of December 1921, when Fr Ġorġ Preca shared his inspiration to organise a ‘demonstration’ with the statue of Baby Jesus on Christmas Eve, he may not have imagined that such a manifestation would continue to become a cherished tradition, as it has been for the past 100 years.

Fr Ġorġ presented his idea to the members of the Ħamrun centres of the Society of Christian Doctrine, which he himself had founded in 1907 and later became popularly known as the M.U.S.E.U.M Read more »

Parliament should be the voice of the people who demand accountability – The Archbishop

Exchange of Christmas greetings with the nation's authorities

  The Archbishop's Palace, Valletta

L-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna flimkien mal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi laqgħu lill‑awtoritajiet tal‑pajjiż għall-iskambju tal-awgurji tal-Milied fil-Palazz tal-Arċisqof, il-Belt Valletta nhar is-Sibt 18 ta’ Diċembru 2021. L-Isqfijiet iltaqgħu mal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela u l-Kabinett, il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Bernard Grech, l-Ispeaker Anġlu Farrugia, il-Prim Imħallef Mark Chetcuti u l-President George Vella.

Messaġġ lill-Prim Ministru Dr Robert Abela u membri tal-Kabinett

Onor. Prim Ministru, grazzi ħafna taż-żjara u l-preżenza tagħkom… Read more »

New Year’s day appointment with Festa ta’ Ġenerożità

The 25th edition of Festa ta’ Ġenerożità

Festa ta’ Ġenerożità, organised by Dar tal-Providenza, is on for January 1st with an appeal for funds badly needed by the Home.

In order to safeguard the safety and wellbeing of its residents and workers and to be in line with the directives issued by the Health authorities the event will be broadcast again from We studios in Ħal Qormi… Read more »

800 Christmas meals for the lonely and those in need

Caritas will provide meals at home due to the pandemic

(xellug) Anthony Gatt minn Caritas Malta, il-Vigarju Episkopali għad-Djakonija Mons. Charles Cordina u Julian Sammut mill-Fondazzjoni Alf. Mizzi

Il-Caritas flimkien mal-Fondazzjoni Alf. Mizzi għaddejjin bit-tħejjijiet biex nhar il-Milied filgħodu jitqassmu mat-800 ikla lill-persuni fil-bżonn.

F’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet minn waħda mill-kċejjen tar-ristoranti mmexxija mill-fondazzjoni, id-direttur tal-Caritas Anthony Gatt qal li din is-sena wkoll se jitqassmu l-ikliet fid-djar minħabba l-pandemija. Dan ser isir flok l-ikla tradizzjonali f’Jum il-Milied li s-soltu ssir fil-Kurja tal-Arċisqof… Read more »

Fr Ġwann Xerri posthumously honoured in Republic Day honours

The late Fr Ġwann Xerri, the Dominican friar who died earlier this year in Brazil, was among those awarded Republic Day honours by President George Vella on Monday.

This year’s honour list featured a number of medical doctors and professional, including St John Rescue Corps.

Other recipients include record-breaking swimmer Neil Falzon and Sean Meli who rescued a young Chinese national who was swept to sea at Qui-Si-Sana in November… Read more »

Reflections on St Joseph by the Bishops (7)

Is-seba’ u l-aħħar riflessjoni dwar Patris Corde tal-Papa Franġisku hi mill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna fuq it-tema Ġużeppina ‘Missier Veru.’ L-Arċisqof Scicluna jirrifletti fuq ir-rwoli tal-omm u l-missier, li għalkemm differenti, huma t-tnejn tant essenzjali għall-formazzjoni ta’ kull persuna. L-Arċisqof ifakkarna wkoll li anke meta l-ġenituri ma jkunux preżenti f’ħajjitna, il-paternità tal-Missier li hu fis-smewwiet tibqa’ dejjem ix-xempju tal-ħniena u ta’ mħabba lejn kulħadd, hu min hu u hi min hi, għax Alla ma jiddiskriminax.  

Dawn ir-riflessjonijiet huma parti minn sensiela ta’ filmati, li tħejjew minn Behold, li hu proġett ta’ Pastorali Bibblika u Liturġika fi ħdan il-Vigarjat għall-Evanġelizzazzjoni, għal tmiem is-Sena Ġużeppina 2020-2021… Read more »

Archdiocese could not have foreseen 2019 land registry decision affecting status of Gozo land

The Archdiocese of Malta wishes to make clear that it could not have foreseen, let alone exercise control over, a decision in 2019 by the Land Registration Agency to permit the registration of tracts of land in Gozo which caused residents uncertainty over legal title to their homes.

This unexpected development took place two years after a legal settlement was reached between the Archdiocese and the heirs of the foundress of the Abbazia San Antonio Delli Navarra Foundation, which had administered the land since 1675, paving the way for the heirs to register these specific plots in the foundation’s name… Read more »

“Cannabis law is not progressive, it will inflict more harm”

The proposed law on recreational cannabis does not signify progressive legislation, Dr Aloisia Camillieri, a psychiatrist, said on Sunday, as she underlined that the bill would inflict more harm on society once enacted.

Representing the Maltese Association of Psychiatry, Camilleri addressed a press conference organised by 57 organisations consisting of Church organisations, NGOs, and lobby groups, that have recently filed a petition to parliament, in a last-ditch attempt to stop a bill aimed at legalising recreational cannabis… Read more »

Reflections on St Joseph by the Bishops (6)

Is-sitt riflessjoni dwar Patris Corde tal-Papa Franġisku hi mill-Isqof t’Għawdex, Anton Teuma fuq it-tema Ġużeppina ‘Ħajja li tħalli l-frott permezz ta’ xogħol idejh.’ L-Isqof Teuma jitkellem dwar l-onestà fix-xogħol u fuq il-post tax-xogħol, u dwar kif ix-xogħol innifsu jagħti dinjità li jmur oltre l-ħlas monetarju. Ġużeppi hu eżempju ta’ kif tkun ħaddiem, mhux għall-flus biss, imma għax il-ħidma mill-qalb, ix-xogħol bħala qadi u att ta’ ġenerożità, hu l-mod konkret kif nikkoperaw mal-pjan ta’ Alla fil-ħolqien u noffru għajnuna lill-proxxmu… Read more »

Reflections on St Joseph by the Bishops (5)

Il-ħames riflessjoni dwar Patris Corde tal-Papa Franġisku hi mill-Isqof Awżiljarju u Vigarju Ġenerali, Joseph Galea-Curmi fuq it-tema Ġużeppina ‘Protettur u Reżiljenti’. L-Isqof Galea-Curmi jaqsam ħsibijietu dwar id-dixxerniment u kif fid-dawl tal-Ispirtu, aħna nagħrfu dak li Alla jixtieq minna li hu dejjem l-aħjar għalina. Il-proċess tad-dixxerniment iwassal għall-“iva” tagħa b’azzjoni u determinazzjoni.

Dawn ir-riflessjonijiet huma parti minn sensiela ta’ filmati, li tħejjew minn Behold, li hu proġett ta’ Pastorali Bibblika u Liturġika fi ħdan il-Vigarjat għall-Evanġelizzazzjoni, għal tmiem is-Sena Ġużeppina 2020-2021… Read more »