
‘I Have Called You Friends’ – weekend seminar for SDC candidates

From Friday, February 14th, to Sunday, February 16th, 2025, a group of eight candidates in their first two years of formation participated in a weekend seminar titled “I Have Called You Friends” (John 15:15).

Led by SDC members, the sessions featured group activities, case studies, and film screenings. The candidates engaged in reflections and discussions on Christian discipleship and how to follow Jesus closely in life… Read more »

St George Preca – A Sign of Hope

On the anniversary of the birth of St George Preca, on Wednesday, 12th February 2025, all the Society of Christian Doctrine members and candidates from across Malta gathered for a beautiful and prayerful celebration in the Auditorium at the SDC General House in Blata l-Bajda. They reflected on how St George Preca, through his work and writings, was, and remains, a sign of hope for the people of God… Read more »

Society of Christian Doctrine holds annual general meeting

Between Saturday, 8th and Sunday, 9th February 2025, the Delegation of Malta and Gozo of the Society of Christian Doctrine (SDC) organised the AGM for the year 2025. Over these two days, the administrative report of the delegation for the year 2024 was discussed, while the Delegate of the Superior General shared a reflection on the way forward regarding the apostolate.

On Sunday morning, Mass was celebrated by Fr Kevin Schembri, the Ecclesiastical Assistant of the SDC… Read more »

PFI and Reményhír collaborate for Christian formation exchange

Over the past months, Reményhír, a Hungarian organisation dedicated to mission work, reached out to the Pastoral Formation Institute (PFI) to exchange best practices in Christian adult formation. With 18 years of experience in training pastoral workers, Church personnel, and Christians seeking to deepen their faith, the Pastoral Formation Institute welcomed this collaboration.

In November 2024, PFI met with Reményhír’s core delegation. This gathering laid the groundwork for an Erasmus+ project, which took place from 20th to 23rd January 2025… Read more »

Bible & Beer tackles end-of-life decisions

Earlier this January, the MSSP Oratory Youths hosted another Bible & Beer event, drawing a diverse and engaged audience of young adults eager to discuss one of the most profound and challenging topics of our time: Life and Death – Church and Ethics. The event provided a safe space where attendees could explore deep ethical, theological, and emotional questions surrounding end-of-life issues, guided by a panel of esteemed experts… Read more »

Activity for Aspirants

The first activity for Aspirants (Years 9-11) from the SDC Centres of Malta was held at St. Michael School on Saturday, 25th January 2025. In a joyful and reflective atmosphere, the teenagers gathered to think and pray on the theme: How much time do you have? They explored the idea that God grants us time as an opportunity to encounter and love him… Read more »

Seminar for Pre-Candidates

From Friday, January 24th, to Sunday, January 26th, 2025, eleven pre-candidates attended a seminar at Dar Betsajda. The seminar, titled LinkedIn, included various activities designed to help participants deepen their self-awareness, connect with one another, and collaborate as a team.

The programme also featured moments of prayer and recreation, fostering a strong sense of community within this group, which recently began gathering twice a month for their formation programme… Read more »

Fr Hilary Tagliaferro, Caritas, and Dar tal-Providenza recognised for their commitment to the community through sport

Fr Hilary Tagliaferro OSA, Caritas Malta and Dar tal-Providenza have been honoured with an award from Sport Malta in recognition of their commitment towards the community through sport.

During the award ceremony, Caritas Malta Director Anthony Gatt, Executive Head of Dar tal-Providenza Nadine Camilleri and Fr Hilary Tagliaferro OSA expressed their appreciation for Sport Malta’s efforts and their gratitude for receiving the ‘Fostering Generosity and Community Through Sport’ award… Read more »

“A young woman I knew at the time inspired my growing desire for volunteering and my priestly calling” – Fr Ramon

Il-Gwardjan tal-Knisja ta’ Ġieżu, il-Patri Franġiskan Fr Ramon Farrugia stqarr li hu kien ħass is-sejħa tiegħu meta mar għall-missjoni fil-Kenja, liema esperjenza ħeġġitu jagħmilha t-tfajla tiegħu meta dak iż-żmien kien għarus. Spjega li qabel din l-esperjenza hu kien imbiegħed ħafna mill-Knisja u minn Alla u kien se jagħmilha biex jikkuntentaha biss ftit qabel is-safra ħassru u kienu fthemu li hu xorta waħda jmur jagħmel din l-esperjenza li effettivament bidlitlu ħajtu kompletament… Read more »

Weekend seminar for local superiors

The Delegation of Malta and Gozo organised a weekend seminar for local superiors and members of the administration at the DĦS Conference Centre. The seminar commenced on Friday, 17th January, and concluded on Sunday, 19th January 2025.

The programme featured a session led by Ms Maria McNamara on the theme: Principles of Leadership, as well as a presentation by the Superior General on Servant LeadershipRead more »