2025 Jubilee: Pilgrims of Hope

Pope at Audience: In Him we find the hope to face the changes in our lives and be born again

Cycle of Catechesis – Jubilee 2025. Jesus Christ our hope II. The life of Jesus. The encounter 1. Nicodemus. “You must be born from above” (Jn 3:7b)

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

With this catechesis we will begin to contemplate some of the encounters narrated in the Gospels, to understand the way Jesus gives hope. Indeed, they are encounters that enlighten life and bring hope… Read more »

Miraculous Crucifix ‘Ta’ Ġieżu’ exhibited in Gozo for the Jubilee of Hope

Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex

Fl-okkażjoni tal-Ġublew tat-Tama u l-bidu tar-Randan Imqaddes, se jinġieb f’Għawdex il-Kurċifiss Mirakoluż u devot magħruf bħala “Ta’ Ġieżu”, meqjum fil-Knisja Franġiskana ta’ Santa Marija ta’ Ġesù fil-Belt Valletta.

Bejn il-Ġimgħa s-7 u l-Ħadd 9 ta’ Marzu, il-Kurċifiss Ta’ Ġieżu se jkun espost għall-qima fil-Knisja tal-Patrijiet Franġiskani f’Għajnsielem, fejn fl-ewwel lejl, il-knisja tibqa’ miftuħa għall- adorazzjoni u l-qima tal-fidili.

Nhar il-Ħadd 9 ta’ Marzu, l-ewwel Ħadd tar-Randan, fl-4pm, l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex Anton Teuma se jmexxi Pellegrinaġġ Penitenzjali Ġubilari bix-xbieha tal-Kurċifiss Mirakoluż, mill-Knisja ta’ Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova għal quddiem il-Knisja Arċipretali tal-Madonna ta’ Loretu, f’Għajnsielem, li għalih hu mistieden il-poplu kollu ta’ Alla… Read more »

Your prayers uphold the Church as one, holy, and Catholic – The Archbishop

Mass for the Jubilee of Religious and on the Day of Consecrated Life

  The Parish Church of St Catherine, Żejtun

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Ir-rakkont li għadna kemm smajna mill-Vanġelu skont San Luqa jintroduċina ma’ ħames persuni; Marija u Ġużeppi, Xmun u Anna u f’nofshom it-tarbija Ġesù ta’ 40 jum. Huwa t-tifel li llum jiġi ppreżentat lil Alla. Huwa t-tifel li jinħeles mill-mewt bl-offerta ta’ żewġt ibċieċen. Għax il-liġi kienet tgħid li “l-ewwel wild ikun tiegħi u jinfeda bl-offerta tal-fqar.” Biex jinfeda l-ewwel tarbija tifel kien hemm bżonn żewġt ibċieċen jew par gamiem… Read more »

The Dominicans Celebrate the Jubilee of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Ritratt: Wikicommons

Id-Dumnikani tal-Birgu se jiċċelebraw l-għeluq tal-Ġublew ta’ San Tumas t’Akwinu fi tmiem Jannar.

L-ewwel ċelebrazzjoni hija nhar it-Tnejn 27 ta’ Jannar, fejn se tiġi organizzata l-Aquinas Lecture; diskussjoni fuq it-teoloġija b’indirizz mir-Rev. Dr. Alan J. Adami OP STh.D. Din se ssir fil-kunvent tad-Dumnikani tal-Birgu fis-7pm.

It-tieni ċelebrazzjoni hija nhar it-Tlieta 28 ta’ Jannar fil-Knisja tal-Lunzjata u San Duminku tal-Birgu, fejn f’jum il-festa ta’ San Tumas t’Akwinu se ssir ċelebrazzjoni tal-għeluq tal-Ġublew… Read more »

Jubilee with Christian Brethren during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

2024 Diocesan Ecumenical Service

Christians from across the world are currently celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which will last until Saturday 25th January 2025. In Malta, the Jubilee with Christian brethren from other Churches will be celebrated a day earlier, during the customary Diocesan Ecumenical Service. Archbishop Charles Scicluna will lead the celebration, while the homily will be delivered by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Melite, Exarch in Malta of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople… Read more »

Vatican recommends 4 films for the Jubilee of Hope

Hekk kif f’lejlet il-Milied, il-Papa Franġisku nieda l-Ġublew tat-Tama, il-Vatikan qed jipproponi erba’ films sabiex wieħed jarahom matul is-sena.

Id-Dekasteru tal-Evanġelizzazzjoni fil-Kurja Rumana mmexxi direttament mill-Papa Franġisku bħala Prefett tal-imsemmi dekasteru, jieħu ħsieb jippromwovi x-xandir tal-Evanġelju kif ukoll jagħraf iwieġeb il-mistoqsijiet fundamentali tal-evanġelizzazzjoni fid-dinja.

L-espert tal-Knisja fil-qasam ċinematografiku Mons. Dario Viganò għażel erba’ films li jistgħu jakkumpanjaw lill-pellegrini tat-tama matul is-sena tal-Ġublew… Read more »

Half a million pilgrims have already crossed the threshold of St Peter’s Holy Door

Pilgrims process up Via della Conciliazione towards St Peter’s Basilica  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

Over half a million pilgrims have already passed through St Peter’s Basilica’s Holy Door since the Jubilee Year 2025 began just two weeks ago. According to a press statement released on Tuesday, a total of 545,532 faithful from across the globe have made the pilgrimage to Rome.

The opening of the Jubilee year took place on the 24th of December 2024 and since then pilgrims have been arriving in groups and processing up Via della Conciliazione – led by the symbolic Jubilee Cross – to reach St Peter’s Basilica… Read more »

Jubilee Year churches in Malta designated for plenary indulgences announced

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has announced the list of sacred churches in Malta linked to the granting of the plenary indulgence during this Jubilee Year dedicated to the virtue of hope.

In the words of Pope Francis, plenary indulgence offer the faithful the opportunity to rediscover “the unlimited nature of God’s mercy.” Also through visits to these sacred places, “we allow the Lord to erase our sins, to heal our hearts, to raise us up, to embrace us and to reveal to us his tender and compassionate (Spes Non Confundit, 23)… Read more »

The Pope: May 2025 be a year of true peace that goes beyond quibbling over the details of agreements and human compromises

Message of Pope Francis for the 58th World Day of Peace

Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace

I. Listening to the plea of an endangered humanity

1. At the dawn of this New Year given to us by our heavenly Father, a year of Jubilee in the spirit of hope, I offer heartfelt good wishes of peace to every man and woman. I think especially of those who feel downtrodden, burdened by their past mistakes, oppressed by the judgment of others and incapable of perceiving even a glimmer of hope for their own lives… Read more »

Pope Francis ‘throws open’ Holy Door to inaugurate 2025 Jubilee

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

An angel of the Lord, bathed in light, illumines the night and brings glad tidings to the shepherds: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord” (Lk 2:10-11). Heaven breaks forth upon earth amid the wonder of the poor and the singing of angels… Read more »