CAM Productions Internatianal (CPI) is the production house, forming part of the media ministry of the Missionary Society of St Paul (MSSP).  It is a non-profit organization with the sole aim of evangelization and missionary animation through various media platforms.  Through the years CPI has fulfilled its aim of  professionally producing various documentaries of religious and  socio-religious nature, both in Malta and abroad. Since 1999 CPI has  been broadcasting the Gospel message to thousands of households  through its weekly television programmes on local national television  stations.

To this end, CPI is set up with a studio and post-production  facilities. Throughout this current television schedule, CPI is  producing Sejjahtli (FAVOURITE), which is in its twelfth year, UCUH

(NET TV) and Sensilhena (TVM2/TVM)

CPI has also produced audio-visual projects promoting missionary  awareness (especially related to MSSP missions), exposing the beauty  of the different cultures, places and religions which invite us to  live in peace and harmony together. For this reason, every year, for  the last 10 years, CPI has been producing a 60-hour broadcasting/transmission  marathon in aid of the poor in Peru, Pakistan, the Philippines, St Joseph’s Home and media evangelization.

CPI is now taking on another challenge: that of extending its media landscape and harnessing the power and reach of web-based media  through this evangelization portal “fidi”. Through the modern  facilities it invested in, it seeks to reach as many people as possible, presenting with the ever relevant Gospel message in new ways.

Fidi  Kuntatt

Address: St. Joseph Home, St. Joseph High Road, St. Venera SVR 1010, Malta.

Telephone: 2144 4499

Email: [email protected]

Programmes: [email protected]
