During the General meeting of MUSEUM, the book called ‘Gilbert Simiana: In the Footsteps of Jesus’ was launched. A biography researched and written by Stephen Zammit, a member of the Society.

Gilbert died two months shy of sixteenth birthday, and many paid witness to his holiness, especially during his sickness.

On this occasion, the elects and aspirants of the SDC Centres of Malta were invited, as were Gilbert’s mother, his siblings Loraine and Keith, and other relatives and friends.

Gilbert (1982-1998) was a youth full of energy, he loved sports, and attended St Aloysius College and the SDC Centre at Rabat, Malta. But from a young age he suffered a lot because of cancer. In spite of this suffering, he continued to grow in his faith, hope and love towards Jesus, whom he considered as his best friend.

During the meeting, Gilbert’s sister shared her testimony about her brother, the author of the book delivered a short message, and three aspirants read a biography of Gilbert and two extracts from the book.

In his message at the end of the meeting, the Superior General invited all those present to continue walking in the footsteps of Jesus, following Gilbert’s example.