On Wednesday 9th May 2012, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. expressed his appreciation for the dedication of Maltese mothers via a telephone call during an activity organized for mothers of priests, religious and Maltese lay persons who work in foreign lands.  Presently, the Archbishop is in San Francisco visiting Maltese emigrants as part of his pastoral visit to Central America.  In his message, the Archbishop conveyed his regards to the missionaries’ mothers, expressing his appreciation for the work which their children and relatives perform.  Referring to his pastoral visit, he said that these missionaries are the ones who looked after the Maltese emigrants and led many missions in far away lands.

The Archbishop phoned in during an activity organized by the Secretariat for Priests, Religious and Maltese lay persons who work on behalf of the Diocese in foreign lands. This was  held at ‘Dar L-Emigrant’ in Valletta.  Mons Anton Gouder, Pro Vicar General was invited to meet and celebrate mass for the parents of priests, religious and Maltese lay persons on the occasion of Mothers’ Day.