Archbishop Scicluna visits Il-Kċina ta’ Marta at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù

As Malta enters its vibrant Festa season, Archbishop Charles Scicluna has called on the public to extend their generosity beyond their immediate circles. In a heartfelt tweet, the Archbishop encouraged Maltese citizens to “invite as many brothers and sisters to join at our tables” by supporting LOOP’s Il-Kċina ta’ Marta initiative, which provides meals to those in need.

“As we Maltese enjoy our Festa Season, may I suggest that we invite as many brothers and sisters to join at our tables by donating to LOOP who through Il-Kcina ta’ Marta are offering meals to those who need our help,” Archbishop Scicluna wrote on social media platform X.

This appeal comes in the wake of the Archbishop’s recent inauguration of Il-Kċina ta’ Marta, a soup kitchen initiative by the Church in Malta. The project, which began operations earlier this year, has already made a significant impact, serving approximately 1,200 free meals weekly to around 350 individuals.

Albert Debono, coordinator of LOOP, revealed in an interview with Newsbook Malta that the organisation currently distributes about 270 meals daily. This figure doesn’t include those who dine in person at the Refectory of Marta’s Kitchen in Tal-Bon Pastur, Balzan, which operates four days a week.

The initiative’s reach extends beyond food provision. Debono noted that LOOP also distributes around 300 pieces of clothing monthly to those in need through their shop on Triq Melita, Valletta. This multifaceted approach to community support is made possible by a dedicated team of approximately 230 volunteers and the generosity of donors and shoppers.

Il-Kċina ta’ Marta, led by LOOP Parish Diaconia in collaboration with The Alfred Mizzi Foundation, has provided an impressive 50,000 meals since the beginning of the year. The project relies heavily on volunteers and benefactors, which helps reduce food costs by 80%. The remaining expenses are covered by parish donations and public generosity.

During a visit to the facility in November 2023, Archbishop Scicluna described Il-Kċina ta’ Marta as “a sign of hope for those who are currently, for one reason or another, experiencing a moment of darkness.”

He emphasised that this hope is brought about by volunteers and benefactors responding to Jesus’ invitation: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.”

As the festive season approaches, the Archbishop’s post serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing need in the community. He suggests that making a small donation to Il-Kċina ta’ Marta is equivalent to inviting those in need to one’s own table, embodying the true spirit of the Festa Season.

Those interested in supporting this initiative can make donations through The organization also welcomes new volunteers, who can apply via their website or by calling 25906309 or 79822886.

LOOP Parish Diaconia, a coordinated effort between parish priests and volunteers from 70 parishes in the Archdiocese of Malta, continues to address basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter for those facing difficulties.

This Wednesday, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will be interviewed by Christine Delicata during the programme Għal Kullħadd on RTK103. The programme is broadcast from Monday to Friday between 9am and noon.
