Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P., who is presently on a pastoral visit to meet with Maltese missionaries in Central America, will today arrive in the city of Comayagua, Honduras, as the guest of Mons Robert Camilleri OFM, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Tegucigalpa.

Before visiting Honduras, the Archbishop was in San Francisco, USA, to meet with Maltese emigrants. During the past seven days, the Archbishop’s activities included the celebration of mass in the Parish Church of St Veronica, an activity for which children from a neighbouring Catholic school attended; two other masses were held in the parishes of St Elizabeth and St Paul Shipwrecked, whose parishoners include Maltese people who lived in San Francisco before they moved to nearby towns.

On Tuesday 8th May, the Archbishop paid a courtesy visit to Mons George Niederauer, Archbishop of San Francisco, who expressed his appreciation for the active participation of the Maltese community within his Diocese. The Archbishop also called upon some elderly persons who live at home and also those who are residents in old people’s homes.

The final activity in San Francisco was held in the town of Milbrea, where the Archbishop had a beautiful encounter with the Maltese who live there. On his arrival, he was welcomed by the Mayor of Milbrea, after which he paid his respects to the Maltese police constable David Chetcuti, who was killed while on-duty.  The Archbishop also had the opportunity to meet Chetcuti’s children.  The town of Milbrea has close connections with the parish of Mosta, with which it is twinned.

The Archbishop’s visit to San Francisco ended with the celebration of mass at the Church of St Dunstin on the occasion of the feast of St George Preca.  Many Maltese persons availed themselves of the opportunity to convey their regards to the Archbishop, thanking him warmly for his visit.

The Archbishop arrived in Honduras on Friday 11th May, where he visited Maltese missionaries who work in this country.  On 17th May, the Archbishop will depart to Cuba to call upon Maltese missionaries who do pastoral work in this country.