Before the conclusion of this Eucharistic celebration, I thank all of you who have come to honour the new Saints. I greet the Cardinals, the bishops, the consecrated men and women, especially the Friars Minor and the Maronite faithful, the Consolata Missionaries, the Little Sisters of the Holy Family and the Oblates of the Holy Spirit, as well as the other groups of pilgrims who have come from various places. I address a respectful greeting to the President of the Italian Republic, the other official delegations and the civil authorities.

I greet the large group of Ugandan pilgrims, with the Vice President of the country, who have come sixty years after the canonization of the Uganda Martyrs.

May the witness of Saint Giuseppe Allamano remind us of the necessary attention towards the most fragile and vulnerable populations. I think in particular of the Yanomami people, in the Brazilian Amazonian forest, among whose members the miracle linked to today’s canonization occurred. I appeal to the political and civil authorities to ensure the protection of these peoples and their fundamental rights, and to counter any form of exploitation of their dignity and their territories.

Today we celebrate World Mission Day, whose theme – “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (cf. Mt 22:9) – reminds us that missionary proclamation means to bring to all the invitation to a festive encounter with the Lord, who loves us and wants us to share in his spousal joy. As the new Saints teach us: “Every Christian is called to take part in this universal mission by offering his or her own witness to the Gospel in every context” (Message for the 98th World Mission Day, 25 January 2024). Let us support, with our prayer and our aid, all the missionaries who, often at great sacrifice, bring the shining proclamation of the Gospel to every part of the world.

And let us continue to pray for the populations who are suffering as a result of war – tormented Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, tormented Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar and all the others – and let us invoke the gift of peace for all.

May the Virgin Mary help us to be, like Her and like the Saints, courageous and joyful witnesses of the Gospel.
