May the word you have shared with us be a source of courage in life, light to our path, comfort in our trials – The Archbishop
Message and gift from Archbishop Charles Scicluna to Pope Francis
03/04/2022 The Granaries, FlorianaMessage of Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna
Your Holiness,
We thank you sincerely for your decision to visit us. Thank you for celebrating the Holy Eucharist with us. Thank you for your love for us.
May the word you have shared with us be a source of courage in life, light to our path, comfort in our trials.
In the first century after Christ’s Resurrection, these islands had the good fortune of receiving the light of the Gospel through God’s grace, thanks to the presence amongst us of our father in faith, St Paul the Apostle, whom Publius, the protos of the island, and the Maltese, welcomed “with unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2), together with two hundred and seventy-five other persons who found themselves shipwrecked on our shores… Read more »