Monthly Archives: March 2022

Church launches home-hosting programme for homeless migrants forced to leave their countries

The Church’s Migrants Commission and the Archdiocese of Malta today launched a humanitarian home-hosting initiative open to homeless migrants and refugees in our midst who have been forced to flee trouble spots like Ukraine.

Known as Proġett Kenn (‘shelter’ in Maltese), the programme seeks to welcome, protect and integrate migrants into the community by offering them residential placements for up to six months… Read more »

Pope at Audience: children and the elderly give us another ability to see life

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In the Bible account of the genealogies, one is immediately struck by their tremendous longevity: we are talking about centuries! When does old age begin here, we wonder? And what is the significance of the fact that these ancient fathers live so long after fathering their children? Fathers and sons live together for centuries! This passage of time in terms of centuries, narrated in a ritual style, confers a strong, very strong symbolic meaning to the relationship between longevity and genealogy… Read more »

On Ash Wednesday the Archbishop asks: is my heart home to injustice or peace?

Mass on Ash Wednesday and prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Qed nibdew mixja speċjali ħafna: il-mixja tar-Randan li twassalna għall-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa li fiha nimmeditaw il-passjoni u l-mewt tal-Mulej Ġesù u l-qawmien tiegħu mill-imwiet.

Qegħdin ukoll nibdew l-aħħar xahar qabel iż-żjara tal-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa fostna li jasal, jekk Alla jrid, fit-2 ta’ April, illum it-2 ta’ Marzu. Nitolbu ħafna għal min qed jieħu ħsieb l-organizzazzjoni f’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat ta’ ħidma… Read more »

The Lord rewards us with a very large family – The Archbishop

Mass for the repose of the soul of Archbishop Ġużeppi Mercieca

  St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

“Tajjeb! Aħna ħallejna kollox u ġejna warajk” (Mk 10:28). Pietru jitkellem f’isem l-oħrajn kollha. U donnu qed jgħidlu: allura, Mulej, aħna, wara li għamilna d-deċiżjoni x’se nieħdu? B’xi mod Pietru qed jitkellem ukoll f’isimna. Għax aħna mingħajr ma rridu, in-natura tagħna l-bnedmin, hekk iġġagħalna naħsbu. X’hemm għalija fiha din? X’se jmissni? Ġesù ma jgħidlux, se tibqgħu bir-riħa. L-ewwel nett jirrikonoxxi li l-istedina tiegħu u l-esiġenza tal-Evanġelju titlob minna distakk u libertà; li jweġġgħu… Read more »

Live: Mass on Ash Wednesday and prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Next Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna will celebrate the Ash Wednesday Liturgy at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta.

The leaders of our country and the faithful are being invited to attend this mass and to join the Holy Father’s appeal for prayer and fasting for peace and the end of aggression and war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian community in Malta is also invited… Read more »

Mass on Ash Wednesday – 2nd March 2022, 9:30am

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Help the Archdiocese carry out its mission Donate »

Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

The Gospel of the day: 2nd March

Ash Wednesday
Readings of the day

First Reading: Joel 2:12-18
Psalm: 50 (51):3-4.5-6a,12-13,14 & 17
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20 – 6: 2

Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6,16-18

In those days Jesus said to His disciples: “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.

When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna in March 2022

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Marzu, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna se jkompli jiċċelebra quddies matul il‑ġimgħa kif ukoll nhar ta’ Ħadd. Dawn iċ‑ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi qed jixxandru fuq TVM, u

Il‑quddies organizzat mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed jixxandar:

  • Mit‑Tnejn sal‑Ġimgħa fid‑9:30am mill‑Kappella tal‑Madonna ta’ Manresa, fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof, il‑Furjana. Wara l‑quddiesa tingħad it‑talba tar‑rużarju li tixxandar fuq u u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta…
  • Read more »

The Archbishop prays for peace and the victims on both sides of war

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Ilbieraħ smajna d-djalogu bejn Ġesù u d-dixxipli tiegħu meta jurihom l-għana, li hi tajba fiha nnifisha, li jista’ jkollha l-periklu kbir li taqtgħek mill-proxxmu u minn Alla. Hu jispjegalhom ukoll li l-istedina tiegħu li jħallu kollox mhijiex stedina faċli.

Pietru jfakkru f’din il-ħaġa fuq ix-xatt tal-Baħar tal-Galilija. Pietru (li kien jismu Xmun is-sajjied) sema’ lil Ġesù jgħidlu: “Ejja warajja”… Read more »

Mass for the repose of the soul of Archbishop Ġużeppi Mercieca

  St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

Illejla t‑Tlieta l‑1 ta’ Marzu 2022, fis‑6pm, l-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna jiċċelebra quddiesa b’suffraġju għal ruħ l‑Arċisqof Ġużeppi Mercieca, fil‑Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l‑Imdina.

Din il-quddiesa tixxandar fuq u

Għin lill‑Arċidjoċesi twettaq il‑missjoni tagħha Agħti Donazzjoni »

Segwi l-qari tal-Quddiesa tal-lum hawnhekk.

Talba għat-Tqarbina tax-Xewqa

Ġesù, jiena nemmen li Inti tinsab tabilħaqq fis-Sagrament tal-Ewkaristija. 
Irrid inħobbok fuq kollox u fuq kulħadd… Read more »