Monthly Archives: April 2020
The Passion of the Lord will be our source of strength and healing – The Archbishop
Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
10/04/2020 The Archbishop's Curia, FlorianaL-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna
“Ebda sura ma kellu u ebda ġmiel biex inħarsu lejh jew xi sura biex nitgħaxxqu bih. Kien imżeblah u mwarrab mill-bnedmin, bniedem li bata u kien jaf x’inhu l-mard” (Iż 53:2-3).
F’dawn il-ġranet dawn il-kelmiet ta’ Ġesù għandhom profezija qawwija. Ġejjin mill-ktieb ta’ Iżaija u japplikaw għal Ġesù b’mod straordinarju tant li l-ewwel Insara huma u jaqraw l-profeziji ta’ Iżaija kienu jagħrfu dak li ġara mill-Mulej… Read more »
He loved them till the end – Good Friday, 10 April 2020, 12:00
Spiritual Liturgical Reflection for Holy Week by Fr Martin Cilia
10/04/2020Live: Good Friday 2020 – The Way of the Cross – 10 April, 6:30pm
10/04/2020 The Archbishop's Curia, FlorianaClick below to follow the prayers and readings on the Way of the Cross
Live: Good Friday 2020 – Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion – 10 April, 3pm
10/04/2020 The Archbishop's Curia, FlorianaCreativity in serving others – Bishop Galea-Curmi
Mass on Maundy Thursday
09/04/2020 Annunciation of Our Lady Parish Church, Ħal BalzanL-Omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi
Ġesù ħabbhom sal-aħħar. Parti minn din l-espressjoni tal-imħabba tiegħu kienet li jagħti xi xokkijiet lid-dixxipli tiegħu. Hawn, f’din is-silta, jagħtihom tnejn, xokk ikbar mill-ieħor.
L-ewwel meta hu stess niżel jaħsel saqajn id-dixxipli, u bir-raġun ħaduha bi kbira, bħalma jgħidlu Pietru. Din qatt ma kienet issir. Setgħu qalulu: ‘Qatt ma għamilna hekk, qatt ma ħdimna b’dal-mod’. Imma hu hemmhekk ried jispjegalhom l-iktar ħaġa importanti: li hu sar bniedem biex jingħata… Read more »
The Gospel of Good Friday: 10th April
10/04/2020Good Friday
Readings of the day
First Reading: Is 52, 13 – 53, 12
Psalm: 30 (31), 2.6.12-13.15-16.17. 25
Second Reading: Hebrews 4, 14-16; 5, 7-9
Gospel: Jn 18, 1 – 19, 42
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint John
Jesus went out with his disciples across the Kidron valley to where there was a garden, into which he and his disciples entered. Judas his betrayer also knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. So Judas got a band of soldiers and guards from the chief priests and the Pharisees and went there with lanterns, torches, and weapons. Jesus, knowing everything that was going to happen to him, went out and said to them, “Whom are you looking for?” They answered him, “Jesus the Nazorean.” He said to them, “I AM.” Judas his betrayer was also with them. When he said to them, “I AM,” they turned away and fell to the ground. So he again asked them, “Whom are you looking for?” They said, “Jesus the Nazorean.” Jesus answered, “I told you that I AM… Read more »
Live: Good Friday 2020 – Liturgy of the Hours – 10 April, 9:30am
10/04/2020 The Archbishop's CuriaLet us live the deep significance of the washing of the feet by caring for each other – The Archbishop
The Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper offered for priestly and religious vocations and for Christian marriage
09/04/2020 The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa, Archbishop's Curia, FlorianaL-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna
“Jiena tajtkom eżempju” (Ġw 13:15). Illum għalhekk iltqajna biex niċċelebraw u nfakkru dan l-eżempju. “Jiena tajtkom eżempju biex” kif ħabbejtkom jien, “kif għamilt jien magħkom, hekk intom tagħmlu lil xulxin” (Ġw 13:15).
U jekk irridu nagħsru l-eżempju ta’ Ġesù f’kelma waħda, m’hemmx kelma aħjar mill-kelma ‘imħabba’. L-Appostlu Missierna, meta jitkellem fuq il-fidi, it-tama, l-imħabba jgħid “l-ikbar hija l-imħabba”… Read more »