Monthly Archives: November 2019

Updated: The Diocesan Celebration on the Solemnity of Christ the King

Aġġornata l-Ħadd 24 ta’ Novembru: Iċ-Ċelebrazzjoni Djoċesana ta’ Kristu Re ser issir fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann. Fil-5pm jibda r-rużarju quddiem Ġesù espost u tingħata l-Barka Sagramentali. Fil-5:30pm titkanta t-Talba tal-Għasar.

Il-Mixja ta’ Fidi mill-monument ta’ Kristu Re mhux ser issir minħabba l-maltemp. Kulħadd mistieden u mħeġġeg jattendi. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Il‑Knisja Kattolika ser tiċċelebra l‑festa liturġika ta’ Kristu Re nhar il‑Ħadd, 24 ta’ Novembru 2019… Read more »

The Sunday Gospel: 24th November

Christ the King – Solemnity
Readings of the day

First Reading: 2 Sam 5, 1-3
Psalm: 121 (122), 1-2.4-5
Second Reading: Col 1, 12-20

Gospel: Lk 23, 35-43

The rulers sneered at Jesus and said, “He saved others, let him save himself if he is the chosen one, the Messiah of God.” Even the soldiers jeered at him… Read more »

The 2019 Diocesan Assembly comes to an end – towards ‘One Church, One Journey’

  Iċ-Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni, Birkirkara

Ara siltiet mill-Assemblea Djoċesana

Il-Ġimgħa 22 ta’ Novembru 2019, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ppresieda t-tieni sessjoni tal-Assemblea Djoċesana 2019.

Wara li fl-ewwel sessjoni ġie ppreżentat il-working document tal-Pjan Pastorali bit-tema ‘Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed’, fil-bidu tat-tieni sessjoni saru tmien preżentazzjonijiet mir-rapporteurs tal-working groups dwar dak li ġie diskuss minn dawk preżenti għall-Assemblea.

Fit-tieni sessjoni wkoll, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi spjega t-triq ‘il quddiem u qal li, wara li jiġu evalwati r-reazzjonijiet li ngħataw bħala parti mill-proċess ta’ dixxerniment ekkleżjali, il-Pjan Pastorali għas-snin 2020-2023 ser jiġi ppublikat f’Jannar… Read more »

Pope in Thailand: Encounter and mutual dialogue needed in a challenging world

Pope Francis addresses Christian Leaders and Leaders of Other Religions

Pope Francis meets Christian leaders and leaders of other religions at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University, telling them co-operation and mutual respect are needed more than ever in a world filled with complex challenges.

In 1897, Thailand’s King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) visited Rome and met Pope Leo XIII, the first time that a non-Christian Head of State was received in the Vatican. 

King Chulalongkorn’s vision, according to the University’s incumbent President, was to “provide higher education for students from all walks of life regardless of their gender, social status, ethnic or economic background, or religious faith”, and on that premise the university that bears his name was founded in 1917… Read more »

The Gospel of the day: 23rd November

Readings of the day

First Reading: 1 Macc 6, 1-13
Psalm: 9, 2-3.4, 6.16b & 19

Gospel: Lk 20, 27-40

Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put this question to Jesus, saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us, ‘If someone’s brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother.’

Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman but died childless… Read more »

The 2019 Diocesan Assembly: The first session

Presentation of the working document ‘One Church, One Journey – A process of ecclesial discernment 2020‑2023’

  Iċ-Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni, Birkirkara

Ara siltiet mill-Assemblea Djoċesana

Il-Ħamis 21 ta’ Novembru 2019, ingħata bidu għall-Assemblea Djoċesana 2019. Matulha ġie ppreżentat il‑working document tal‑Pjan Pastorali għall‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta għall-erba’ snin li ġejjin (2020-2023), mid‑Delegat Episkopali għall‑Evanġelizzazzjoni, Dr Nadia Delicata.

Dan il‑working document bit‑tema ‘Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed – Proċess ta’ Dixxerniment Ekkleżjali 2020‑2023’, huwa ispirat mir-rakkont tad-dixxipli ta’ Emmaws (Lk 24:13-35). Inkiteb wara konsultazzjoni wiesgħa li saret matul dawn l‑aħħar xhur ma’ għadd ta’ persuni involuti f’diversi ħidmiet tal‑Knisja u tas-soċjetà Maltija… Read more »

Pope in Thailand: What it means to be a Christian

Pope Francis at the Parish of St Peter for his meeting with Priests, Religious, and Seminarians

Pope Francis meets with priests, religious, consecrated men and women, seminarians and catechists in Bangkok, and shares guidelines on how to achieve apostolic fruitfulness, and on what it means to be a Christian

The Pope began by expressing his gratitude “for all those consecrated persons who, by the silent martyrdom of fidelity and daily commitment, have borne great fruit.” He also gave thanks “for all those catechists and elderly consecrated men and women who drew us into the love and friendship of Jesus Christ.”  

Being thankful

The history of each of our vocations “is marked by those people who helped us discover and discern the fire of the Spirit”, said Pope Francis, which is why it is so important to be thankful… Read more »

The Gospel of the day: 22nd November

Readings of the day

First Reading: 1 Macc 4, 36-37.52-59
Psalm: 1 Chron 29, 10.11abc.11d-12a.12bcd

Gospel: Lk 19, 45-48

Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out those who were selling things, saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.’” And every day he was teaching in the temple area… Read more »

Le Mans ’66


Direttur:          James Mangold

Atturi:              Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Caitriona Balfa, Jon Bernthal, Tracy Letts, Josh Lucas, Noah Jupe, Remo Girone u Ray McKinnon

Ħin tal-Film:    152 min

Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                             U

KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                                  U

Fl-1963, Lee Iacocca, Viċi President tal-kumpanija Ford, ippropona lil Henry Ford II biex jixtri l-kumpanija Ferrari bl-iskop li permezz tas-sehem fit-tiġrija ta’ erbgħa u għoxrin siegħa f’ Le Mans, jitkabbar il-bejgħ tal-karrozzi Ford… Read more »

Pope in Thailand: Catholics and Buddhists can live as “good neighbours”

Pope Francis meets the Buddhist Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, Ariyavongsagatanana IX

On his first full day in Thailand, Pope Francis meets the Buddhist Supreme Patriarch and confirms the Church’s commitment to open and respectful dialogue in the service of peace.

The meeting took place on Thursday morning at the Wat Ratchabophit Sathit Maha Simaram Temple in Bangkok.

A lasting friendship

In his address to the Pope, the Buddhist Supreme Patriarch Ariyavongsagatanana IX recalled the historic visit of Pope Saint John Paul II to his predecessor 35 years ago, a meeting at which he had been present… Read more »