Monthly Archives: February 2019

Liturgical celebrations to be led by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna in March 2019

  • It-Tnejn 4 ta’ Marzu 2019, fil‑7:00 p.m., l‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jagħti l‑Ministeru tal‑Lettorat lil tliet seminaristi, fis‑Seminarju tal‑Arċisqof, Tal‑Virtù.

    L-Erbgħa 6 ta’ Marzu, Ras ir-Randan, fis‑6:30 p.m., Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra
    l-Quddiesa tal-Erbgħa tal-Irmied, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Il‑Quddiesa ser tixxandar live fuq il‑Youtube Channel tal‑Knisja f’Malta.

    Il-Ġimgħa 8 ta’ Marzu, fil-12:15 p.m., Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa waqt l‑irtir tar‑Randan għall‑impjegati tal‑Kurja, il‑Caritas u t‑Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku, fid-dar tal-irtiri Porziuncola, Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq…

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The Auxiliary Bishop’s homily on the feast of Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani

  • L-omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi


  • Il-Monasteru tal-Benedittini, l-Imdina

    25 ta’ Frar 2019

    Il-Beata Maria Adeodata Pisani, li ssejħet bir-raġun “ġawhra umli tal-ħajja kkonsagrata u monastika,” ma kellhiex ħajja twila. Meta mietet kienet lanqas għalqet il-50 sena – hawn min qiegħed f’dan il-monasteru li għandu kważi d-doppju ta’ kemm kellha hi meta mietet…

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The Gospel of the day: 28th February

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Sir 5, 1-10
    Psalm: 1, 1-2.3.4 & 6

    Gospel: Mk 9, 41-50

  • Jesus said to his disciples: «Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward. Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea…

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The Gospel of the day: 27th February

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Sir 4, 12-22
    Psalm: 118 (119),

    Gospel: Mk 9, 38-40

  • John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.”

    Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him…

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Document on youth synod to be published in March

  • The Vatican announced Sunday that Pope Francis will publish in March a post-synodal exhortation on last October’s synod on young people, faith, and vocational discernment.

    The papal document, for which a title has not yet been announced, will be released March 25 during a papal trip to Loreto, Italy, the location of the Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto, where Pope Francis will present the document to the Blessed Virgin Mary…

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Pope Francis’ message for Lent 2019

“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rom 8:19)

  • Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Each year, through Mother Church, God “gives us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed… as we recall the great events that gave us new life in Christ” (Preface of Lent I). We can thus journey from Easter to Easter towards the fulfilment of the salvation we have already received as a result of Christ’s paschal mystery – “for in hope we were saved” (Rom 8:24)…

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The elderly: Active participants and not spectators

  • HelpAge, taqsima fi ħdan Caritas Malta, għandha ħafna għal qalbha  d-dinjità tal-anzjani u  fid-19, 20 u 21 ta’ Frar, xahar iddedikat għall-imħabba, organizzat tlett ijiem ta’ festa bit-tema – Love is Patient, Love is Kind, f’lukanda f’Tas-Sliema.

    Għal din il-festa attendew madwar 400 anzjan minn diversi parroċċi f’Malta.  

    L-attività kienet tinkludi quddies iċċelebrata minn Mons…

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‘Fr Noel’s kindness could be seen through his smile, humility and his great heart’ – The Auxiliary Bishop

Quddiesa fil-funeral ta' Fr Noel Vella

  • L-omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi


  • Il-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Girgor il-Kbir, Tas-Sliema

    25 ta’ Frar 2019

    “Mulej ma tkabbritx qalbi, anqas ma ntrefgħu għajnejja. Jien ma ġrejtx wara ħwejjeġ kbar jew wara ħwejjeġ ogħla minni, imma żammejt ruħi fis-skiet u fil-kwiet bħal tarbija f’ħoġor ommha”.

    Dan il-kliem minn Salm 130, li qiegħed fis-santa-tifkira ta’ Fr Noel Vella, narah jiġbor b’mod sabiħ ħafna l-ħajja ta’ Fr Noel, li llum qegħdin insellmu waqt li niċċelebraw il-passaġġ tiegħu għall-ħajja ta’ dejjem…

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Pope on artificial intelligence: Technology is a human characteristic

  • Pope Francis addresses the Pontifical Academy for Life in a Plenary Assembly marking 25 years of activity, on the theme “Roboethics. People, machines and health”.


  • Despite all of the potential that science has, the accumulation of it all does not always obtain the results hoped for, says Pope Francis when addressing the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for life…

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The Gospel of the day: 26th February

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Sir 2, 1-13
    Psalm: 36 (37), 3-4.18-19.27-28.39-40

    Gospel: Mk 9, 30-37


  • Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee, but he did not wish anyone to know about it. He was teaching his disciples and telling them, “The Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill him, and three days after his death he will rise.” But they did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to question him…

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