Monthly Archives: November 2018

61% of the world’s population live in countries where religious freedom is not respected

  • 61% of the world’s population live in countries where religious freedom is not respected; in other words, 6 out of every 10 people around the world cannot express their faith with total freedom.

    This is one of the key conclusions of the report on Religious Freedom in the World, which was officially made public today in Rome by the international Catholic pastoral charity and pontifical foundation ACN International, with simultaneous worldwide launches also taking place in many other locations such as London, Paris, Santiago, Manila and New York…

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The nun whom the inmates regarded as a mother

Omelija fil-festa tal-Beata Enrichetta Alfieri

  • L-omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi


  • Is-Sorijiet tal-Karità, Ħal Balzan

    21 ta’ Novembru 2018

    Dawk li jibdlu s-soċjetà għall-aħjar huma n-nies li għexu l-qdusija. Beata Enrichetta Alfieri tat kontribut kbir lis-soċjetà permezz tal-ħajja tagħha ta’ qdusija. Hi kienet tgħid: “Is-sejħa għall-ħajja reliġjuża ma tagħmilniex qaddisin, imma titfa’ fuqna d-dmir li naħdmu biex insiru qaddisin.” Nixtieq li naraw tliet kwadri partikulari mill-ħajja ta’ Beata Enrichetta…

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The Gospel of the day: 27th November

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Rev 14, 14-19
    Psalm: 95 (96), 10.11-12.13

    Gospel: Luke 21, 5-11

  • While some people were speaking about how the temple was adorned with costly stones and votive offerings, Jesus said, “All that you see here, the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.” 

    Then they asked him, “Teacher, when will this happen? …

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What makes us part of God’s Kingdom?

Quddiesa u t-tberik ta' kurċifiss ġdid

  • L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

  • Il-Knisja ta’ San Franġisk ta’ Assisi, Birkirkara

    24 ta’ Novembru 2018

    “Tawh ħakma ġieħ u saltna biex lilu jaqdi kull ġens u poplu u lsien” (Dan 7:13). Illum aħna u nibdew niċċelebraw il-festa solenni ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu, Sultan tal-Ħolqien Kollu, nistaqsu lilna nfusna: x’inhuma dawn il-ħakma, il-ġieħ u s-saltna? …

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A farewell and thanksgiving for the soldiers of the Armed Forces who passed away last year

  • L-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi mexxa Quddiesa fil-knisja tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta li tinsab ġewwa l-Barracks ta’ Ħal Luqa, għal ruħ il-membri mejtin tal-Forzi Armati, b’mod partikolari għal min miet matul is-sena li għaddiet. Mal-Isqof ikkonċelebraw Dun Joe Meli, iċ-Chaplain tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta, u Dun Anton Farrugia OFM li fl-aħħar tal-Quddiesa rregala pittura tal-Beatu Nazju Falzon, li ħadem mill-qrib mas-suldati fi żmienu…

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Poland mourns world’s oldest nun who saved Jews

  • Merciful and modest. That’s how nuns, members of the Polish Catholic church and others are remembering Sister Cecylia Maria Roszak. They have been gathering in Krakow to bid her farewell. In remarks, the mother superior of her convent, Stanislawa Chruscicka, said Sister Cecylia would often say that “life is wonderful, however, too short.”

    During her 110 years on this earth, the nun went through turbulent times…

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The Archbishop’s message on the feast of Christ the King 2018

Ċelebrazzjoni djoċesana fil-festa ta' Kristu Re 2018



  • L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna


  • Il-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta
    25 ta’ Novembru 2018

    “Inti s-sultan tal-Lhud?” (Ġw 18:33). Id-domanda li għamel Pilatu quddiem Ġesù umiljat u kkundannat, hija domanda f’postha. Kif jista’ jkun li s-sultan tal-Lhud jidher quddiem l-awtorità imperjali huwa dgħajjef, mingħajr protezzjoni u mneżża minn kull dinjità? …

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The narrative of Emmaus at the centre of the pastoral plan for the Archdiocese

  • Fi tmiem l-Assemblea Djoċesana 2018, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna wera t-tama li l-mixja ta’ tiġdid li l-Knisja f’Malta bdiet permezz ta’ din l-Assemblea Djoċesana, tkun mixja ta’ dixxerniment. Fil-messaġġ tiegħu hu saħaq fuq l-importanza li bħala Knisja ninvestu aktar ħin ma’ xulxin sabiex nisimgħu l-bżonnijiet ta’ xulxin. Fi kliem l-Arċisqof, “li nkunu flimkien mhuwiex ħela ta’ ħin”. Mons. Arċisqof sostna li bħala Nsara rridu mmissu l-qalb tal-bniedem bis-servizz u x-xhieda tagħna u rringrazzja lis-saċerdoti li bil-ħidma silenzjuża tagħhom huma xhieda tal-Kelma ta’ Alla. 




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The Gospel of the day: 26th November

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Rev 14, 1-3.4b-5
    Psalm: 23 (24), 1-2.3-4ab.5-6

    Gospel: Luke 21, 1-4

  • When Jesus looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, “I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.”

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Watch: The feast of Christ the King 2018