Monthly Archives: March 2018

“We pray forgiveness for all our betrayals”- The Archbishop

The Archbishop celebrates Mass with the cloistered nuns of the Holy Mother of God, ir-Rabat

  • Homily by Achbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Monastery of The Mother of God
    28th March 2018

    “They gave him thirty pieces of silver and from that time on he looks for an opportunity to hand him over (Mt 26, 15-16). The Lord himself tells his twelve: “Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me […]…

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“Aħna mibgħuta fid-dinja biex inkunu dawl u ħmira bħal kull Nisrani” – L-Arċisqof lis-saċerdoti f’Ħamis ix-Xirka

L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra l-Quddiesa taż-Żjut f'Ħamis ix-Xirka

  • L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta
    29 ta’ Marzu 2018

    “L-Ispirtu tal-Mulej fuqi għaliex il-Mulej ikkonsagrani” (Is 61, 1). Din il-frażi għażiża tħabbritilna llum fl-Ewwel Qari u Ġesù stess jagħżilha f’Nazaret biex jipproklama u jħabbar il-programm messjaniku tiegħu. “Tawh f’idejh il-ktieb ta’ Isaija l-profeta, fetħu u sab fejn kien hemm miktub dan li ġej: ‘L-ispirtu tal-Mulej fuqi għax hu kkonsagrani’” (Lq 4, 17-18)…

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Live: Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper

  • Il-Ħamis, 29 ta’ Marzu, Ħamis ix-Xirka, fis-6:15pm, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, ser issir it‑Tifkira Solenni tal‑Ikla tal‑Mulej. Matul din il‑Quddiesa, fuq l‑eżempju ta’ Ġesù, l‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jaħsel riġlejn numru ta’ persuni. Fi tmiem il‑Quddiesa, l-Arċisqof iwassal is‑Sagrament Imqaddes fil‑Kappella tar‑Ripożizzjoni, għall‑qima tal‑Insara.

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“Let us continue to pray for our youth” – The Archbishop

The Archbishop's message for the 2018 Diocesan Way of the Cross

  • L-messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Il-Belt Valletta
    28 ta’ Marzu 2018

    Nirringrazzjakom tal-preżenza tagħkom illejla u nixtieq li nkomplu nitolbu għaż-żgħażagħ tagħna, mhux biss għal dawk li l-Mulej qiegħed isejjaħ għas-saċerdozju u għall-ħajja reliġjuża, imma wkoll għaż-żgħażagħ kollha, b’mod specjali dawk li qegħdin f’xi mument partikolari tal-ħajja tagħhom. Niftakar f’dawk li qegħdin iħejju għall-eżamijiet, dawk li qegħdin f’xi faċilità korrettiva, dawk li qegħdin f’xi faċilità ta’ rijabilitazzjoni mid-droga jew dipendenzi oħrajn, dawk li qegħdin l-isptar għall-kura, iż-żgħażagħ tagħna fl-iskejjel, fil-postijiet ta’ divertiment, fil-familji tagħna…

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New Marian feast must be celebrated beginning this year

  • A “Notification” from the Church’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has clarified that the new Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, must be celebrated in the Ordinary form of the Roman Rite beginning this year.

    The new feast is to be observed on the Monday following Pentecost.

    New feast to be preferred

    The notification, signed by Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation, notes that an exception still exists, in accordance with the rubrics in the Roman Missal: “Where the Monday or Tuesday after Pentecost are days on which the faithful are obliged or accustomed to attend Mass, the Mass of Pentecost Sunday may be repeated, or a Mass of the Holy Spirit may be said.”

    Nevertheless, the document insists, “all else being equal, the Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church is to be preferred.”

    Because Pentecost is a movable feast, tied to the celebration of Easter, it is possible that the new Memorial could coincide with another Memorial of a Saint or Blessed; and when this happens, the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, will take precedence…

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The Gospel of Maundy Thursday: 29th March

  • Maundy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper

    Saint John 13:1-15 

    Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father. He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over…

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Live: Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday

  • Il-Ħamis, 29 ta’ Marzu, Ħamis ix-Xirka, fid-9am, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jiċċelebra l‑Quddiesa taż-Żjut, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann. Matul din il‑Quddiesa, flimkien mal‑Arċisqof, jikkonċelebraw saċerdoti djoċesani u reliġjużi li jġeddu l‑wegħdiet li għamlu dakinhar tal‑ordinazzjoni tagħhom.

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Photos: The Archbishop visits young prisoners

  • Fir-Randan, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna żar lill-priġunieri żgħażagħ fil-Faċilità Korrettiva tal-CoRRS (Centre of Residential Restorative Services), fl-Imtaħleb. Din iż-żjara saret bħala parti mil-laqgħat li l-Arċisqof qed jagħmel ma’ żgħażagħ minn realtajiet differenti, bi tħejjija għas‑Sinodu tal‑Isqfijiet dwar iż‑żgħażagħ imsejjaħ mill‑Papa Frangisku. Is-Sinodu ser isir f’Ottubru li ġej fil‑Vatikan.

    Matul iż-żjara tiegħu fil-CoRRS, l-Arċisqof kellu wkoll djalogu mar-residenti żgħażagħ, tfajliet u ġuvintur, u baqa’ magħhom ghall-ikel…

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  • Minn għada l‑Ħamis, 29 ta’ Marzu, il‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof, l‑Uffiċċji tal‑Caritas u l-Uffiċċju Żwiġijiet, il‑Furjana, u t-Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku, il-Belt Valletta, ser ikunu magħluqa għall‑festi tal‑Għid.

    Il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof u l-Uffiċċju tal-Caritas jerġgħu jiftħu nhar l-Erbgħa, 4 ta’ April. L‑Uffiċċju Żwiġijiet u t‑Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku jiftħu nhar il-Ġimgħa, 6 ta’ April 2018.

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Pope Francis visits Pope Benedict for Easter greetings

  • Pope Francis Tuesday afternoon met Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at his Mater Ecclesiae Monastery residence in the Vatican and wished him for Easter, the Holy See’s Press Office said in a communique.

    Earlier Tuesday morning, the Pope visited the Vatican Secretariat of State where some 300 persons are employed.  Accompanied by the Assessor, Monsignor Paolo Borgia, he visited and blessed the offices of the Third Section, which was set up in November for the diplomatic personnel of the Holy See.  The Holy Father then personally greeted all the officials and employees, wishing them for Easter and thanking them for their work…

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