Yearly Archives: 2017

Presentation by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna to state authorities of a replica of the statue of ‘Christ the King’ on the first centenary from its inauguration (1917 – 2017)

  • The XXIV International Eucharistic Congress, held in Malta between the 23rd and 27th April 1913 and presided over by Cardinal Domenici Ferrata, as papal legate on behalf of Pius X, deeply marked the very consciousness of our people. In a period marked by the crusade against modernism, this event celebrated both the orthodox faith of the Maltese as well as their ultramontane devotion to the Apostolic See, by placing it on the international stage…

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The Greatest Showman

  • *****

    Direttur:          Michael Gracey

    Atturi:              Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, Keala Settle, Yahya Abdul-Mateen, Austyn Johnson, Cameron Seely u Daniel Everidge

    Ħin tal-Film:    105 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 PG

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                       PG

    P.T. Barnum, waqt li kien qiegħed jakkumpanja lil missieru, ħajjat, għand sinjur kbir biex iġġarrablu libsa, jitfa’ ħarstu fuq Charity, it-tifla ta’ dan il-benestant…

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Urbi et Orbi: Pope calls for peace in Holy Land and around the world

  • Pope Francis reaffirmed his commitment to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process on Monday, Christmas Day, 2017, and called for an end to war and injustice everywhere, in the name of Our Lord, “Prince of Peace” and reconciler of humanity to God the Father. The Pope made his remarks ahead of the urbi et orbi benediction – the traditional blessing given “the city and to the world” on Christmas Day and on other special days throughout the year. 

    “We see Jesus in the children of the Middle East who continue to suffer because of growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians,” Pope Francis said…

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From a curia to a home … more than 400 people join Caritas Malta for the Christmas lunch

  • Għal jum il-Milied, il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof inbidlet f’post ta’ wens. Għat-tielet sena konsekuttiva, Caritas Malta, f’isem il-Knisja f’Malta, fetħet idejha għal dawk il-persuni li m’għandhom lil ħadd ma’ min iqattgħu dan iż-żmien ta’ festi u ferħ.

    Grazzi għal Caritas Malta u għall-voluntiera tagħha, aktar minn 400 persuna attendew għall-ikla tal-Milied.

    Il-kurituri tal-Kurja nbidlu f’sala kbira tal-ikel: intramaw l-imwejjed, is-siġġijiet, it-tapit l-aħmar, il-platti u l-posati, il-fran u anke tpoġġew l-borom fuq in-nar…

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Laudato Si’ inspires solutions to environmental problems

  • Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, published in 2015, was hailed as a heartfelt appeal for the future of planet earth, or, as the pope puts it, a call to all people to take “care of our common home”.

    Among the many responses to that call is an initiative by private investors inviting entrepreneurs and start-up companies to develop ideas responding to the challenges spelt out in Laudato Si’

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“Today all nations have seen the salvation of our God” – The Archbishop on Christmas Day

  • L-Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta

    25 ta’ Diċembru 2017

    Is-silta mill-Ktieb tal-Profeta Isaija li tiftħ il-qari qaddis f’din it-tielet Quddiesa tal-Milied, il-Quddiesa tal-jum, tinsisti ħafna fuq din il-grazzja kbira li fl-aħħar l-ġnus jistgħu jaraw lill-Mulej.

    Il-Mulej jixxandar bħala dak li jġib ir-risq, bħala dak li jġib is-salvazzjoni, bħala dak li jġib il-ferħ (ara Is 52, 7)…

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“We cannot open our hearts to God without opening our hearts to one another” – The Archbishop on Christmas Eve

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l-Imdina

    24 ta’ Diċembru 2017

    F’dawk l-inħawi kien hemm xi ragħajja fir-raba’, għassa mal-merħla tagħhom billejl u dehrilhom anġlu tal-Mulej. Il-glorja tal-Mulej iddiet madwarhom u qabadhom biża’ kbir. Iżda l-anġlu qalilhom: “Tibżgħux, għax araw, qiegħed inħabbrilkom ferħ kbir, ferħ li se jkun għall-poplu kollu…

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Pope Francis: The heart of Christmas is hope

  • In his homily at Christmas Mass “During the Night” in St Peter’s Basilica, the Pope reflects on how, with the birth of Jesus, everything becomes a source of hope.

    The Christmas story is retold every year with all the places, people and themes we know so well: the stable, the shepherds, the birth. But perhaps the very familiarity of the story can distract us or cause us to forget the messages that lie at its heart…

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Christmas message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

  • Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • St Paul’s Cathedral, Mdina

    24th December 2017

    It is with great joy that I address you on this holy night, my beloved Maltese and Gozitan brothers and sisters. On this night, the Lord invites us to move ever closer to him. His name ‘Jesus’ means that our salvation is God’s most profound wish for us, while another of the names attributed to him, Immanu-El underscores his thirst to be with us, God with us…

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